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Boone Overman
English 4
Mrs Chirst

Introduction To Isolationism
Isolationism is the policy that a group a person or nation fallows to stay

out of the business and affairs of other groups,nations or person. It is a common policy
followed by nations and great leaders in history to better insure their interest and keep
them safe. Leaders like Emperor Hongwu of the Ming Dynasty and Tokugawa
shogunate of Japan inforsed isolationist policies upon their nations to insure peace. The
policy is simple just stay out off the other sides business and they won't bother you,
strong countries have practiced isolationism along with weak countries. Isolationism is
like a wall put up to protect from outside forces that you don't want coming in many
nations have practised isolationism for the sake of development and stability.
China a great nation who locked all of their secrets from the outside world for
many years, such as Chinese medical practices. Plus the discovery of gunpowder
known to China for years, kept secret from the world from the protection of isolationism.
Chinas secrets becomes known to the world after abandoning the policy because of
outside influence and threats from other nations demanding trade with them. Japan was
also one of theses nations that once practiced isolationism but was forced or threatened
by others to open their doors and let tarde begin. Japan's struggle with outside
influences was hard for the nation because it had the longest period of peace in history
making them vulnerable to foreign nations. Japan didn't want to lose this long lasting
peace but the world was changing and japan was forced to change with it.
Isolationism is a good thing for a nation or group of people or even a person but it
also has its side effects that hinders the progress of the people or person holding them
back. Great advancement comes from coming together and collaborating as a whole,

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both sides has its positives and negatives.There are two different concepts that get
mistaken as isolationism first there is Non - interventionism which is the belief that rulers
of a nation should stay out of wars or alliances with other nations to avoid conflict and
wasted time on issues that do not impact their nation. The second one is protectionism
which is more so economically related towards trade with other nations. Many different
nations and groups have there own unique and original way to deal with foreign
affairs.The article Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition, states that the

policy of isolationism is used in order to make a country self srfecent and free
from foreign influences. the country's goal in following this policy is to keep
themselves safe and prosperous without the fear of war and conflict with other
countries and people. Nations like Bhutan take isolationism to the extreme,
banning television and internet is such extremes. the goal is to cut of all contact
with the outside world is to make the people of Bhutan clueless and blind. Which
allows the Bhutan government to easily manipulate and control its people.
Isolationism has been a great weapon to nations throughout history
allowing them to thrive in many divries ways. Such as medical advancements,
agricultural practices and growth of technological discoveries. Though
collaboration with other nation bring forth great advancement and knowledge to
one's nation.The security that isolationism brings is important to a nation and its
people; for isolationism is the policy in which keeps a nation, group or person out
of the affairs of others allowing them to be self sustainable and free from conflict.

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American Isolationism in the 1930s-1945-Milestones


"Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition

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