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1.It’s a compulsory political organization with a centralized government.


2. it emphasizes the organic ties that hold groups of people together and inspire a sense of loyalty and
belonging. Ethnicity, language, religion, belief, and so forth


3. it is political community that emanates from civic society to legitimately execute peace.

Nation state

4. it is governing body of a state.

Government is the state’s supreme authority within a territory


6. it is considered the identity of the state


7.Peace within a territory or written the country is always evident.


8.Appadurai claimed that global interstate system is a nostalgic fiction.


9.Globalization only springs in today’s world.


10.The world trade organization and the United Nations are considered supranational groups.


11.Globalization does not affect the functions of nation-states


12.Because of globalization, economic sovereignty of nation-states began to wane.

13.Nation states in this contemporary age are forced to submit themselves to the demands of globally
accepted free-market principle


14.Globalization has always a positive effect to nation-state


15.Intergovernmental organization like the ASEAN aim to foster strong economic and political
intergovernmental relationship only.


16. This intergovernmental organization aims to promote peace, values, and well-being of the citizens

European Union

17.This organization aims to accelerate economic growth social progress and cultural development in
the region

The association of southeast Asian nations

18.It prosecutes individuals accused of crimes against humanity such as genocide

International criminal court

19.This principle the rights of the nation-states on the use of world-oceans

United Nations convention of the law of the sea

20.It is a facet of contemporary political globalization that seeks to form collaboration among nation
states through the establishment of governmental organization

Global interstate system

Latin America
This refers to countries. that were colonized by the Spaniards in the American continent.

West and East in 1494

This is when the newly discovered lands outside Europe were divided into two the West belonging to
the Crown of Castile (now part of Spain) and the east belonging to the Portuguese Empire.

World Division during the Cold War

The Cold War between US and USSR created the division between the Capitalist/Democratic states and
the Communist states.

First World and Second World

The capitalist economists were considered First World and communist economists were referred to as
Second World.


it is an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private
owners for profit, rather than by the state. Capitalism

There are Two Classes:

1. Business Owners

2. Workers

• Capitalist Class Motivated by Profit No Government Intervention

• Working Class Competitive Market Willingness To Change

COMMUNISM a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society
in which all property is publicly owned, and each person works and is paid according to their abilities
and needs.

The Five Communist Countries of the World

1. Cuba

2. Republic of North Korea Democratic People's Republic of Korea

3. Vietnam Socialist Republic of Vietnam

4. Laos Lao People's Democratic Republic, Est, 1979

5. China People's Republic of China, est. 1343

a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production,
distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Global North & Global South

• The First World encompassed all industrialized, democratic countries, which were assumed to be allied
with the United States in its struggle against the Soviet Union. Finland and Switzerland maintained strict

• The Second World was anchored on the industrialized, communist realm of the Soviet Union and its
eastern European satellites, yet it often included poor communist states located elsewhere.

Third World
This refers to countries that did not belong to either type of formal economies.

• The Third World was defined as the non-aligned world and as the global realm of poverty and

North and South Divide

After the cold war, many see primary global division as being between North and South.

The Rich North

The Poor South

The Global North

• refers to developed societies of Europe and North America, which are characterized by established
wealth, technological advancement, political stability, zero population growth and dominance of world
trade and politics.

The Global South

• refers to the developing countries which represents mainly agrarian economies in Africa, India, Latin
American and others that are not as economically sound and politically stable tend to be characterized
by war, conflict, poverty and tyranny

Global North VS. Global South

Global North are considered as the high income countries such as Norway, Australia, New Zealand,
Canada, US, Belgium, Iceland, Japan, Sweden, Netherlands and most of Western Europe

• First World and Second World

• Home to all the members of the 68 and P5 members of the United Nations Security Council

• Richer and developed region -95% has enough food and shelter

• Economy: industries and major. businesses, commerce, and finance VS

Global South are countries that are less developed and characterized by low level of economic
development, large inequalities in living standards and low life expectancy such as Africa, Latin America
and developing Asia including the Middle East

• Third World

• Poor and less developed region

• 5% has enough food and shelter

• Source of raw materials of the north

Economically developed countries


P5 Countries

1. China

2. France

3. Russia

4. United Kingdom

5. United States

The North
•controls 4/5 of the income earned anywhere. in the world

• 90% of the manufacturing industries are owned by and located in the North

The South

• has access to 1/5 of the world's income

•as nations become economically developed, they may become part of the "North", regardless of
geographical location

•any nations that do not qualify for "developed" status are in effect deemed to be part of the "South"

Global North & Global South Global divides are not purely of a geographical division but rather
focused on socio economic and political affiliations and status.

How the "Third World" became the Global South: The Origins of the Third
• The world was largely divided into several empires in the 19th century. Each empire possessed a
"civilized central that were more or less primitive or even "barbaric".

•Third World was coined in 1952 by Alfred Sauvy, a French demographer, anthropologist. and economic
historian who compared it with the Third Estate, a concept that emerged in the context of the French

✓ First Estate refers to the clergy and the monarch

✓ Second Estate refers to the nobility

✓Third Estate refers to the balance of French population as contrasted the poor countries to the First
World and the Second World

Global North
• Low Poverty

• Low Child Mortality

• High Economic and Educational Development

• Advance Technological Advancement

• Stable Governments • Low Fertility Rates

• Low Gender Related Illiteracy

Global South
• High Poverty • High Child Mortality

• Low Economic and Educational Development

• Low self-consumption of natural resources

• Vulnerable to exploitation by large corporations and industrial nations

• Less technological advancement

• Economy is dependent on developed countries

• Unstable Governments

• High Fertility Rates

• High Gender Related literacy



refers to the communication channels through which we disseminate news, music, movies, education,
promotional messages, and other data


can be defined as all the ways of life including arts, beliefs and institutions of a population that are
passed down from generation to generation


 Globalization entails the spread of various cultures.

 Globalization also involves the spread of ideas.

 Globalization relies on media as its main conduit for the spread of global culture and ideas.


Lule describes media as "a means of conveying something, such as channel of communication."

Print Media Broadcast Media Media

What media do and how they affect societies?

Marshall McLuhan once declared that "the medium is the message."

Television is not a simple bearer of messages; it also shapes the social behavior of users and reorient
family behavior.

Smartphone allows users to keep in touch instantly with multiple people at the same time.

Marshall McLuhan added that different media simultaneously extend and amputate human
senses. New media may expand the reach of communication, but they also dull the user's
communicative capacities.

The media have a very important impact on cultural globalization in two mutually interdependent ways:

1. The media provide an extensive transnational of cultural products and

It contributes to the formation of communicative networks and social structures

Global media cultures create a continuous cultural exchange, in which crucial aspects such as
identity, religion, nationality, behavioral norms and way of life are continuously questioned and

 Global media promotes a restructuring of cultural and social communities.

 Global media supports the creation of new communities.

 The common point of departure is the assumption that a series of international media
constitutes a global cultural supply in itself and serves as an independent agency for cultural and
social globalization, in which cultural communities are continuously restructured and redefined.


3 factors that have affected the process of economic globalization

1. Improvements in transportation and communication technology have reduced the cost of
transporting goods, services and factors of production and communicating economically useful
knowledge and technology.

2. Tastes of individuals and societies have generally favored taking advantage of the opportunities
provided by declining costs of transportation and communication through increasing economic

3. The character and pace of economic integration have been significantly influenced by public policies,
although it is not always in the direction of increasing economic integration.

Religion has the most difficult relationship with globalism

Religious people are less concerned with wealth and all that comes along with it.

Globalists are less worried about whether they will end up in heaven or hell.

What is the relation of religion to globalization?

There is the way in which globalization flattens out cultural differences, erodes local customs and
beliefs, and spreads a secular, capitalist way of life that us at odds with religions of all sorts.
is the way in which globalization flattens out cultural differences, erodes local customs and beliefs, and
spreads a secular, capitalist way of life that us at odds with religions of all sorts?

At the same time, there is the way in which religion serves as the source of globalization's greatest
resistance and as a haven for those standing in opposition to its ubiquitous yet often subtle power.

In both of these views, the relationship between religion and globalization is antagonistic one of struggle
and conflict.


Evolving trade routes led to the colonization of the Asia, Africa, Central and South America. Religion
became an integral part of colonization and later on globalization.

The Impact of Globalization

✓ flattens cultural differences

✓ erodes local customs and beliefs

✓ spreads secular, capitalist way of life

What is Religion Nowadays?

 it's no longer a set of beliefs that people arrive by reflection

 it's a symbolic system which carries our identity and marks out social/ethic and other

 it marks crucial moments in the life cycle with rituals

 it provides powerful mechanisms for psychological and social tension

Role of Religion in Promoting World Peace

The moral principles and values contained in the teachings of great religious teachers are essential
factors for the reduction of and ultimate eradication of greed, hatred, and delusion-which form the root
cause of various conflicts and wars

The preamble to UNESCO's constitution says: "Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of
men that the defenses of peace must be constructed.

“The world cannot have peace until nations and people begin to reduce their selfish desires for more
and more material possessions, give up their racial arrogance, and eliminate-their madness for worldly
“Religion not only inspires and guides people but also provides them with the necessary tools to reduce
greed with the practice of charity, to overcome hate and aversion with loving kindness; and to remove
ignorance with the development of wisdom and insight in order to understand the true nature of beings
and "see things as they really are."

Differences in religious beliefs should not hinder the progress of various religionists working for a
common cause, for world peace.

Global City
 Sociologist Saskia Sassen popularized the term "global city" in the 1990's.

 She initially identified three global cities: New York, London, and Tokyo.

 New York has the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), London has the Financial Times Stock
Exchange (FTSE), and Tokyo has the Nikkei.

Global City

 Recent commentators have expanded the criteria that Sassen used to determine what
constitutes a global city.

 Movie-making Mecca Los Angeles can now rival the Big Apple's cultural influence.

 San Francisco must now factor in as another global city because it is the home of the most
powerful internet companies - Facebook, Twitter, and Google.

 The growth of the Chinese economy has turned cities like Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou into
centers of trade and finance.

Indicators of Globality

 The foremost characteristic of a global city is economic power.

 Economic power largely determines which cities are global.

 Economic opportunities in a global city make it attractive to talents from across the world.

Indicators of Globality
 To measure the economic competitiveness of a city, the Economist Intelligence Unit has added
other criteria like market size, purchasing power of citizens, size of the middle class, and
potential for growth.

 The "tiny" Singapore is considered as Asia's most competitive city because of its strong market,
efficient and incorruptible government, and livability.

Indicators of Globality
 Global cities are also centers of authority. Washington D.C. may not be as wealthy as New York,
but it is the seat of American state power.

 Compared with Sydney and Melbourne, Canberra is a sleepy town and not attractive to tourists.
But as Australia's political capital, it is home to the country's top politicians, bureaucrats, and
policy advisors.

Indicators of Globality

 The cities that house major international organizations may also be considered centers of
political influence. United Nations headquarters - New York

 European Union headquarters - Brussels

 ASEAN headquarters – Jakarta

 European Central Bank - Frankfurt

 Global cities are centers of higher learning and culture. A city's intellectual influence is seen
through the influence of its publishing industry.

Harvard University Boston


 Los Angeles-the center of the American film industry

 Copenhagen, Denmark - is now considered as one of the culinary capitals of the world, with its
top restaurants incommensurate with its size.

 Manchester, England-many prominent post-punk and new wave bands - Joy Division, the
Smiths, and the Happy Mondays-hailed from this city,

Singapore houses some of the region's top: television stations and news organizations (MTV
Southeast Asia and Channel News Asia)

Its various art galleries and cinemas also show paintings from artists and filmmakers from
Philippines and Thailand.

Today, global cities become culturally diverse.

Manila is not very global because of the dearth of foreign residents

but Singapore is, because it has a foreign population of 38%

Why study Global Cities?

Globalization is spatial which means

1. Globalization is spatial because it occurs in physical spaces. More people are driven out of city centers
to make way for the new developments

2 Globalization is spatial because what makes it move is the fact that it is based in places.

The Challenges of Global Cities

Global cities also have their undersides. They can be sites of great inequality and poverty as well as
tremendous violence.

Global cities create winners and losers

Denser settlement patterns yield energy savings apartment building for example, are more efficient to
heat and cool than detached suburban house.

In cities with extensive public transportation systems, people tend to drive less and thereby cut carbon
The Challenges of Global Cities
Not all cities are as dense as New York or Tokyo. Some cities like Los Angeles are urban sprawls, with
massive freeways that force residents to spend money on cars and gas.

Urban areas consume most of the world's energy. Cities only cover 2% of the world's landmass, but they
consume 78% of global energy. Therefore, if carbon emissions must be cut to prevent global warming,
this massive energy consumption in cities must be curbed.

Vertical Farms
The Challenges of Global Cities The major terror attacks of recent years have also targeted cities. Cities,
especially those with global influence are obvious targets for terrorists.

 9/11 attack-World Trade Center, New York

 November 2015 attacks in Paris by Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)

Global City and the Poor

Massive inequality was very pronounced in cities. Some large cities, particularly those in Scandinavia,
have found ways to mitigate inequality through state-led social redistribution programs. Yet, many
cities, particularly those in the developing countries, are sites of contradiction.

In places like Mumbai, Jakarta, and Manila, it is common to find gleaming buildings alongside massive

The Global City and the Poor

In the outskirts of New York and San Francisco are poor urban enclaves occupied by African-Americans
and immigrant families who are often denied opportunities at a better life.

Gentrification- a phenomenon of driving out the poor in favor of newer, wealthier. residents

In Australian cities, poor aboriginal Australians have been most acutely affected by gentrification.

The Global City and the Poor

In France, poor Muslim migrants are forced out of Paris and have clustered around ethnic enclaves
known as banlieue.

In most of the world's global cities, the middle class is also thinning out. Globalization creates high-
income jobs that are concentrated in global cities.
In places like New York, there are high rolling American Investment bankers whose children are raised
by Filipina maids,


Global cities are sites and mediums of globalization. They are material representations of the
phenomenon. Through them, we see the best of globalization; they are places that create exciting
fusions of culture and ideas. They are also places that generate tremendous wealth. However, they
remain sites of great inequality, where global servants serve global entrepreneurs.

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