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CIS-145 Homework #3 Name:_____________

In this homework assignment, you will add a new table to your CIS145 database and create
a relationship between the new table and the Classes table from Homework #2. Turn in a
folder with this instruction sheet. Make sure your name is on the folder and this sheet. Copy
the database to the dropbox. Make sure you keep a copy of the database. 25 points
Make any needed corrections to the Classes table in your CIS145 database
identified in class review of Homework #2 before you begin.
1: Create the Assignment Table 6 points
The assignment table identifies the homework, tests, and in-class exercises for each class.
Add the following fields and property settings to a new table named Assignments.

Field Data Type Properties

Assignment Type Text Size: 15; Validation Rule: must be Homework,

Project, Exercise, or Test; Require: yes

Assignment Number Text Size: 2; Input Mask: 1 number required, 2nd number
optional; Required: yes

Possible Points Number Size: Integer; Validation Rule: greater than 0 and
less than 125 (include Validation Text); Required: yes

Notes Text Size: 75

2: Establish a relationship between the Classes and Assignments tables 12 points

• Each class can have many assignments. Add field(s) to the Assignments table to
serve as the foreign key.
• Identify and create a primary key which prevents duplicate assignments for a class.
• Create a one-to-many relationship between Classes and Assignments; enforce
referential integrity. Allow cascade update, but not cascade delete.
3: Add three homework assignments for each CIS class; and two project assignments for
each business class. 2 points

Questions Points as indicated; type up answers and submit with this sheet
a. How do you choose a foreign key? (3 points)
b. What benefit is gained by storing assignments in a different table than classes? (2

Extra Credit (5 points)

Review the tables in the CIS145 database. Is there any data that might be pulled out from
an existing table and entered into a third table? Identify the data, which of the existing
tables it would be related to, and what the relationship(s) would be below (use additional
sheets as needed – you don’t need to modify your database).


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