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Camper Chronicle

November 25, 2014

Mrs. Brosman
Phone: 574-342-2355
Math In our short week this week we took our Topic 8 test. Today

we did a fun decimals scavenger hunt to review adding, subtracting,

multiplying, and dividing decimals. We will begin our Topic 9 on fractions and decimals when we return from break.


For the next few weeks leading up to Winter Break we will

be taking a break from our Reading book. We will instead be reading
the novel The Last Holiday Concert by Andrew Clements as a class.
Students will have a novel study packet that they will be completing
along with the book. It will be taken for a grade. There will be a few
nights where reading a few chapters and working on the packet becomes homework so that we can get through the entire book by
break. There will be an end of book test that will be given when we
complete the novel.

Grammar For the next two weeks we will be working on the gram-

mar skill of adverbs. After spending two weeks on adjectives I think

the class has a good grasp on them. Lets hope that same will be true
for adverbs.

Writing We ended up postponing our debate presentations this week

to blog on about what gratitude means. We
also recorded videos that we posted on our class Twitter for the
#simplygivethanks challenge.

Spelling Next weeks words all contain at least one set of double

consonants. Its going to take practice and memorization for this list!

Social Studies Monday we took our chapter 4 test over early

American settlements after much review. When we return from
break we will begin chapter 5 which covers New England colonies.

Science Now that our Energizing Indiana program is complete, we

will be returning to our Science books for our next unit on the states
of matter.

Unit 3.4 Mahalia Jackson

One Consonant or Two?
CCSS Language 2.e.

1. address
2. college
3. mirror
4. recess
5. committee
6. collect
7. Mississippi
8. immediate
9. command
10. appreciate
11. announce
12. possess
13. Tennessee
14. gallop
15. opponent
16. barricade
17. broccoli
18. accomplish
19. allowance
20. zucchini

Challenge Words
Homework Hotline
*You must wait until after 5:00 p.m. to use this number.


1) Dial 342 2355.

2) Wait until the answering machine
says good evening. Then dial 527.
3) Listen to the message. You may want to write the
assignments down on paper. Return to school with all your homework.

21. silhouette
22. millionaire
23. dilemma
24. embarrassment
25. compassionate

Note From the Teacher:

When we return from break, there will only be three weeks remaining in this nine weeks. Its
hard to believe! Ive already had a talk with the kids about how important these last three weeks
will be. Now is the time of year when I start to notice students slacking. I reminded them that for
the ones that are doing really well, you need to finish strong. For the ones that are not satisfied
with their current grades, you need to buckle down and work hard to bring them up. I will be offering a few more extra credit opportunities in each subject if I havent already. Encourage your students to take me up on those opportunities and not pass it by. Lets finish the quarter strong!
Within the next few days more information will be coming home about our next 5th grade fundraiser. We will be selling 3 different styles of MudLove bracelets. We are so excited for this fundraiser, and we feel like it will be a big success. The best part of this fundraiser is that portions of the
sale go to 5th grade for our Camp Amigo trip and portions of the sale also go to bringing clean drinking water to Africa. MudLove is a great company whose mission it is to spread love and help those in
need. If you havent checked them out yet, you definitely should.
Have a wonderful and relaxing
~Mrs. Brosman

Visit Our Class Website:

*teachers blog
*contact the teacher
*class schedule
*nightly homework
*upcoming events
*websites to visit
*class photos
Upcoming Dates:
November 26-28: Thanksgiving Break!
December 19: Classroom Winter Party
December 22-January 2: Winter Break

Star Camper of the Week

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