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Lesson Planning Form for Differentiating Instruction Calvin College Education Program


Subject/ Topic/ Theme

Week 1 Day 5

I. Objectives
What is the main focus of this lesson?

The focus of this lesson is for students to become comfortable with their writing. I also will use this lesson to
find out which genre they would like to write about.
How does this lesson tie in to a unit plan? (If applicable.)

This is the fifth lesson in the unit, students will break into their groups for the newsletter.
What are your objectives for this lesson? (As many as needed.) Indicate connections to applicable national or state standards.
If an objective applies to only certain students write the name(s) of the student(s) to whom it applies.

1) Students will be able to choose the genre of writing that appeals most to them.
2) Students will feel comfortable enough in their writing to express their interest.
3) Students will be able to work with peers to come up with a common topic to write about.
II. Before you start
Prerequisite knowledge and skills.

(formative and summative)

Students will have four days prior of learning about writing genres and starting
journal entries.
Students will journal at the beginning of the session, they will then be given a
piece of paper on which they will write their names and the topic they have
chosen to write about (ex: social studies writing about the Native American
Tribes in Michigan)

Identify those students

(individuals or groups) in your
class who will need special
attention and describe the level of
support you plan on giving them.
Refer back to the survey you did
of your class.


Materials-what materials (books,

handouts, etc) do you need for this
lesson and do you have them?

Student journals
White board
One piece of lined paper per group
Students will be split into groups and will work at the different groups of

Do you need to set up your

classroom in any special way for
this lesson? If so, describe it.

III. The Plan



The description of (script for) the lesson, wherein you describe teacher activities and student

Mini Lesson:
I will begin this lesson with a prompt for the students to write about in their journals, it
will be: What genre of writing would you like to do for the first newsletter? What do
you hope to write about in your piece (topic)? How will you get the information you

need for your writing? For the genre of writing that you chose, what are some of the
qualities that you need to include?
Students will have a chance to journal for 15 minutes, as the students journal I will be
able to walk about the room to see who wants which group. If a majority of students are
choosing one group then I will use their name sticks to choose the groups. If not,
students will be split into groups based on the genre that they wrote down in their
journal. When 15 minutes is up students will turn in their journals.
I will then split them into their groups (based on what I see when I walk around the
I will explain that the layout of the newsletter (by drawing a picture on the board with
These 7 topics will be included in the newsletter (they will already know the genres
based on the four days prior):
Science: students will be asked to report on what we are learning in science
Math: A demonstration via drawings and words that correspond will show what we are
learning in math, along with a mini-description.
Reading: A book review of a book we have read in class or a student has read on their
own at home will be completed.
Social Studies: A summary of what we are learning in this topic will be given, along
with a trivia question for the readers to try and guess.
Upcoming/past events: A list of upcoming events will be composed (this would be
ideal for students that are struggling with fluency) and pictures of past events will be
posted with captions (focus on the words matching the picture)
Student of the Week: Each week we will have a start student and they will fill out a
questionnaire that tells us about them, this will be a shorter autobiography complete
with a picture.
Interview: This group will choose to interview someone in the school, they will choose
focus questions for the week and decide which 8 questions are the best to ask their
*I will type up the genre along with topic before this lesson so students know which
genre they are signing up for when they pick their topic of choice.
-I want students to feel free to choose what appeals to them; this will heighten their
excitement to write in the classroom. This will also give them a chance to draw across
curriculums and incorporate other aspects of the class.
While students are working together to come up with an idea, I will take a seat at each
group to hear what their ideas are and how they are going to find the facts for their topic
and turn it into their genre of writing. Students will write down their topic and names on
a piece of paper to turn into me.
My goal during their brainstorming time is to allow students a chance to connect with
each other and form a bond so they can develop skills for working in groups. I also want
a chance to talk with each group about their focus for the upcoming week.
This lesson will happen on a Friday so I will tell students to think about ideas for their
writing pieces next week, although they are working in groups each student will be
responsible for his or her own writing piece to turn ito me and consider putting in their
portfolio at the end of the year.
Your reflection on the lesson including ideas for improvement for next time:

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