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In stanza 1,what does the phrase,the two pools of lies refer

The mans eyes
2. Explain the meaning of the last line of stanza 1 And to
render him paradise
To give the man happiness / joy / pleasure
3. Which line in stanza 3 shows that the person had made a
If only shed been wise.
4. In your words, explain the main theme of the poem.
The theme is about exploration of human feelings in
a relationship whereby the persona has gone through
a bad experience of betrayal and advises others to be
careful when starting a relationship.




Why do you think the writer says that the mans eyes are
layered with the thinnest ice?
To show deception as the man disguises his true
intention because eyes usually mirrors ones feelings
and innermost thoughts
Explain the advice given in this line:
Be sure that nice really means nice
It means that when you befriend
someone, the person must be trustful,
sincere, kind and pleasant.
Never to compromise. In your own words, what
do you think the persona means by the statement.
Not to give up ones principles
What should she have listened to?
To the advice by her elders and family
Why should she not have compromised?
The she would not have been betrayed / cheated /
Be sure that nice really means nice
What do you think this phrase means?
It means that when you befriend someone, the
person must be trustful, sincere, kind and
What is the advice that is given in the second stanza?
Never to give up ones principles / values / beliefs to
men who like to flirt and are only looking for pleasure
What happened when she did not listen to the advice?
She was betrayed / hurt / let down / deceived.
Which line tells you not to take chances?
Then youll never be losing at dice.
In your own words,
What do you think about the advice
given in the last stanza?
It is a good advice for young girls so that they will not
be taken advantage and are able to differentiate
between sincerity and falsehood.









What can happen if girls do not listen to

the advice?
They would be played out / cheated / deceived /
betrayed / hurt.
From stanza 2, what should the woman have done?
She should have listened to the advice given to her
that is not to give up her principles /values / beliefs.
What does the poet mean when he says, Shed be free
of the hows and whys?
She would not be asking herself why she had been
cheated / betrayed / hurt.
What can you say about the womans character from the
stanza 2 and 3?
She is regretful and is helpful as she advises other
girls from falling into the same boat.
What is the personas advice in the last stanza?
She wants the other young girls to be careful when
starting a relationship and the relationship must be
based on true love.
Which line in stanza 2 tells you that the persona may
have been deceived?
If only shed been wise.
Why does the persona not realise she has been
She is nave and gullible to believe the mans lies as
true love.
Which word in the poem is similar to pleading?
What message do you get from reading the poem?
To be careful when starting a relationship and not
gamble with affections to avoid serious
How does the man try to persuade the woman to be
Using his eyes to make her feel compelled her to be
nice to him
From stanza 2,
What advice does the woman ignore?
Never to compromise with pleasure seeking guys.
Describe the poets tone in this stanza?
Sympathetic towards the girls situation.

24. Suggest a theme of the poem.

Exploration of human feelings in a relationship /
Betrayal of love / Deception
25. Why did the poet describe the mans eyes as two pools
of lies?
He eyes were showing signs of love but those eyes
were actually disguising his actual intentions of

26. What do you think the phrase, lose your heart means?
Falling in love.
27. What kind of image does the word paradise give?
28. What is the advice given to young girls in stanza
3? Explain using your own words?
Young girls should be careful when starting a
relationship and their relationship should be based
on true love and not merely physical attraction.
31 How does the man appear to the woman?
Sincere and loving
32 From stanza 2, how could the woman be wise?
She should have listened to the advice given by the
elders and her family.
33 From stanza 2, what is the advice given?
Never to give up ones principles / values / beliefs to
men who like to flirt and are only looking for pleasure
34 What is your opinion on the advice given in the poem?
It is a good advice to help / save other young girls
from falling into the trap of deception and get hurt.
35 What did the girl not realise about the mans eyes?
They were full of lies
36 Why do think the eyes are described as two pools?
To show the severity / seriousness / of deceit in both
37 How was the man making use of his eyes?
Using his eyes to deceive her into thinking that he
needed someone to love.
38 In your own words, do you think the girl was charmed by
the man? Give a reason.
Yes, she was because she believed that his quiet
eyes were signalling love.
39 What is the main theme in the poem?
Exploration of human feelings in a relationship /
Betrayal of love / Deception
40 Why do you think the poet uses the words, be sure that
nice really means nice in her advice? In your own
words, give a reason to support your answer.
It means that when you befriend someone, the
person must be trustful, sincere, kind and pleasant
so that the relationship is based on true love and not
on physical attraction.
41 What are the mans eyes compared to?
Two pools
42 Write two words that are related to feelings of happiness.
43 How do you think the man managed to charm the girl into
accepting him? In your own words, give a reason to
support your answer.
Using his sincere looking eyes which disguised his
insincerity to make her think that he truly loves her.

44 In stanza 1, what did the persona think the mans quiet

eyes were conveying to her?
He was longing for love and companionship.
45 What truth did the persona finally learn about the mans
quiet eyes?
His quiet eyes were actually filled with deceit as she
was left heart-broken.
46 Which line in stanza 3 suggests that we will not lose out
or get hurt if we are cautious?
Then youll never be losing at dice.
47 What do you think happened to the persona when she
allowed herself to be compromised?
She was cheated and hurt.
48 What advice would you give a friend who had met a
I would advise her / him to be very careful make sure
that the person is thoroughly sincere and innocent.
49 Why does the girl believe the man cares for her?
He shows her that he is in love with her through his
sincere-looking quiet eyes.
50 Write two words related to happiness?
51 What do you think the man said to convince the girl to
accept him? In your own words, give a reason to support
your answer.
He must have said that he truly love her because she
believed in him and had willing given up her
principles to show her love to him.
52 What does the poet mean by the following lines?
He had such quiet eyes?
His eyes were sincere-looking and were sign of love.
Shed free from the hows and whys
She would not be asking herself why she had been
cheated / betrayed / hurt.
53 What is the poets tone of voice when she criticises the
man for using trickery to charm the woman?
The tone was serious but at the same time
understanding and sympathetic towards the girl.
54 Do you think this kind of human relationship is difficult to
handle? Give a reason for your answer.
No, if the person involved, is not easily influenced by
sweet nothings and is more careful when going into a
55 What does the title of the poem suggest about the poets
feelings concerning the pair of eyes?
The man concerned has insincere and deceit eyes.

56 Give two reasons why the persona thinks the eyes are so
He was using the eyes to breath desolate / sad /
unhappy signs
Imploring / pleading / begging her to be nice.
57 Do you think the woman charmed by the man has been
foolish? Give a reason for your answer.
Yes, because she too nave to realise that the man
was a cheater and finally she was ditched / betrayed /
58 What does the expression quiet eyes suggest the nature
of the man?
He was not a trustworthy / sincere / loving person.
59 Give two reasons those quiet eyes made the woman
give in to his woes.
He was using the eyes to breath desolate / sad /
unhappy signs
Imploring / pleading / begging her to be nice.
60 If you met a man and fell in love with him, would you
believe him by looking at the expression in his
eyes? Why?
No, not really, as eyes can be deceiving and do not
reveal the true identity or character of a person.
61 What does the first stanza imply?
The girl is unaware that the man she is in relationship
with only wants pleasure from her and he plays with
her feelings using his sincere looking eyes.
62 Give a word from the poem which means giving up
something to reach an agreement.
63 Explain what the expression hows and whys means?
It is an idiom that refers to confusion where the
person is asking herself why and how she allowed
herself to be betrayed..
64 What lesson can you learn from the last stanza?
When starting a relationship, one has to be extra
careful in recognising the partners true intention,
differentiate between sincerity and falsehood and
may only meet the right person after losing their
hearts a few times .
1. What do women find attractive in this man?
His quiet eyes
2. What advice should the girl in the poem have
Never compromise with men who are only looking
for pleasure.

3. What advice does the poet give to young girls?

Be sure that the man you fall in love with is really
nice, that is, he is really sincere.
4. (a) What kind of partner would you like to meet?
Someone who is responsible.
(b) Why is that quality important?
So that my partner will take care of my family
and me.
5. What does the poet wish the girl had done?
He wishes that the girl had listened to advice not to
compromise with men who were only
looking for pleasure.
6. In your opinion, what should young girls do to look
after themselves?
They should make friends with only boys/men who
are sincere. They should get to know a person
better before they jump into a relationship.
7. How has the man in the poem charmed the lady into
believing him?
His eyes seemed so sincere.
8. What do you think the word paradise in the first
stanza refer to?
A state of bliss/happiness
9. Which expression tells you that the lady is probably
filled with regrets over the relationship?
If only
10. Which expression tells you that falling in love is a
Losing at dice
11. Do you think that the lady sincerely loves the man?
Give a reason for your answer.
No, because she is merely feeling sorry for him.
Yes, because she gave herself physically to the man.

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