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Cy Lowery

August 25, 2014

UWRT 1101

Daily Writing #2

There was really not a specific place that helped shape my literacy narrative but if I had
to pick one it would be my bedroom. The reason I say this is because I like to be comfortable
when I read and write so I would always lay in my bed. I know this may seem like a place where
you really could not accomplish anything because most people think that when you lay on your
bed it tends to make you sleepy and doze off, but this is just where I would have to be in order to
really focus on my reading and writing. I was never the person that could just sit down at a desk
or table and be able to read. However, I sometimes could sit at a table to write if it was not an
extensive amount of writing. I guess I could say my bedroom would have to be the most
significant place in influencing my literacy narrative if I had to choose.

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