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My Bedroom

Do you ever wonder why certain places mean so much to certain people?
When I think of my bedroom, I realize why some people are touchy about
who goes in their room or who has been touching things in their home, it is
because those things are important to them and may have some meaning.
Places like my bedroom are places where we can relax and be comfortable
and I think that is why it is important to people, because we can be ourselves
and feel comfortable, we can also just sit down and rest our bones and relax.
Another important reason is we can go there when we want privacy, we can
just shut our door, maybe even lock it, and tell everyone in our household not
to bother us. Also our rooms hold most of our personal belongings and those
things are important to us and we do not want anyone else to touch them or
in some cases go near them.

Bedrooms are a place where we can be comfortable and we can sit back and
relax. When we are tired or not feeling the best we can go to our room, shut
our door, and lay down and relax. Maybe even turn on some music or read a
book or magazine. My bed is where I like to retreat to when I want to relax. I
have a double bed with four pillows and my favorite comforter. It is a Little
Mermaid comforter, I know it is childish but it is soft and warm. And of course
my Tickle Me Elmo sits on my bed and keeps me company. A lot of times I just
lay down and close my eyes and daydream about places I'd like to see or
think about things that make me happy. One thing we should not do is think
about things we need to get done or anything that makes us feel stressed
because then we'll never feel relaxed. I usually try to stay away from these
sort of thoughts and it usually works out well.

The reason my bedroom is so important to me is because my room holds all

of my personal belongings, which are very important to me. Also my room is
a comfortable place to study or just to relax.

I can also have privacy whenever I want it by resorting to my room, this may
be hard for some people if they share a room

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