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Name: Jesus Armando Guerra Uribe

Book: Things fall Apart
Chapters: 1-6
Your job is to prepare a brief summary of today's reading. The other members of your
group will be counting on you to give a summary that conveys the key points, the main highlights of
today's reading assignment. It is a good idea to jot down the main events on scratch paper before
you complete this form. Be sure to write your summary in complete sentences!
When you have finished your summary, give your summary a short title that is different
from the title of the story--something that captures the main idea.
My Title: hard life
Summary: the story begins with the presentation of the principal character Okonkwo, who was a man very
respected in his tribe, they describe him like a brave, strong man. After introducing us Okonkwo, the story
continues with a tragedy, one man in Mbainos market have killed a woman from Umuofia (Okonkwos
tribe.), and for that, the people form Mbaino, had to give one young man and a virgin to the people of
Umuofia as payment for their crime, and so they did. The young man, was given to Okonkwo to take care
of him. Then the story tell us how Okonkwos childhood was hard, because of the weakness of his father,
Unoka, who couldnt grow his crops, due to this Okonkwo, didnt had the beginning of a normal child, he
had to work harder in order to become the man his father never was, he asked to the men in the tribe for
help, and those men knew they could trust him, so they did help him, giving him seeds to start harvesting.
But that year was a bad one for harvesting, first the rain wouldnt start, and when it started it wouldnt stop,
so the harvest could not bear fruit, and after that he would always said, that he could survive everything.
And so he became a person very important to the clan, that was the reason why the elders give him
Ikemefuna, he was afraid of Okonkwo and tried to escape a few times, but then he became popular with
Okonkwos family, principally with the children, because he knew everything, only Okonkwo wouldnt
show affection to the boy, but it was because emotions were sing of weakness, that same year Okonkwo
was punished because he broke a rule, one week everyone should live in peace, but Okonkwo beat his wife
because she wasnt home, so that he had put the whole clan in danger because he offended the gods. After
that he begin to prepare his yams, Nwoye and Ikemefuna were helping him, and he thought that he could
teach them that a man who provide for his family was great man.
My comment or question about this story is: I think Okonkwo was hard with everyone because he was
afraid of weakness, because his father was weak and he didnt want that for his children.

My group agreed that my summary was complete and accurate _______yes

add what is missing on the back of the sheet)

________ no (if no,

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