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Hawaiians should have the justice to gain political and cultural rights.

Hawaiian sovereignty is like water flow because before Hawaiians thrived and their
culture and lifestyle flowed freely with aloha like a river, but when westernization
stepped in the islands, political dominance has blocked our traditions like a dam.
This is the regain of water flow for our people. Fresh Water showed wealth during
ancient times because it allowed everything to grow in order to live. The living
water nourished plants for medicine and food. They refer to this concept as
Kanakawawai, and how modern temptations cannot compare to this flourishing
First of all, the American government illegally overthrew the Kingdom of
Hawaii. In January 17, 1893, troops were led by foreign wealthy businessmen and
sugar plantations owners to devise a plan to dethrone the monarchy and the Queen
Liliuokalani at the time. Many Hawaiians opposed to this proposal, and President
Grover Cleveland also by there consents. But once Cleveland left office,
unfortunately, the United States fulfilled this scheme by annexing the Hawaiian
Islands in August 1898. Hawaii was then a formal territory two years after, and then
in the future became an official state in 1959. In fact this act was definitely an
overthrow because a century later in late November of 1893, President Bush
apologized to Native Hawaiians on behalf of the people of the U.S for the overthrow
and the deprivation of rights of our people. This overthrow represents prior to the
arrival of Captain Cook and the European merchants and how they constantly
oppressed our culture, original language, and religion. For example it was replaced
with Christians philosophies, cemented buildings, and violence that spread
throughout the islands. This overthrow leads to the contributions of immigrants for
plantation business booming and later tourism in the islands that corrupted the
morals and values of Hawaiian people.
Second of all Hawaiians were able to perform laau lapa au, or medicinal
remedys out of the Native plants in ancient times. But throughout the
decolonization of America and British citizens, the Native Hawaiians faced measles,
malaria, and heart diseases from little immunity from these ravage sicknesses.
Mostly all of the Hawaiians population had the same genetic makeup, only
interacting with their people for generations from isolation. So once the foreign
epidemics advanced, everyones immunity was the same which was easy to posses
the disease. As this decimated the Hawaiian society, their was about 300,00
Hawaiians in 1778, but around 1840, their were only about 40,000 Hawaiians,
roughly 75 percent of its people died. In modern time, theyre normal counts of
obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. 105,655 have diabetes cases. 264,816 have
hypertension cases. These rates can be compared to the consumption of western
food, which can be greasy or fatty foods. We had a sustainable food chain with
natural resources like kalo, uala, fish, or fresh meat that could multiplied at be
maintained to make sure there is for future generations.

We need to reclaim the aina that is rightfully our lahui, or nation. In the
beginning before western contact and civilization came, the Hawaiian society
flourished and was organized through the law of nature and the gods of war, peace,
and fertility. Their was organized times of war and recreational activities like
makahiki in the remaining months. Epic battles against many ruling chiefs spread
throughout the mokupuni of each island, and Kamehameha the great conquered all
the islands in order to create a government that unified the islands. The aloha and
unity has passed because of what America has done to our people. They have
dammed, our streams, stabbed tunnels in our mountains, overdeveloped land,
polluted recourses, which is killing our elder brother who are the islands and Haloa
in the Hawaiians creation perspective. My grandpa Walter Apana is a Hawaiian
activist towards sovereignty and he states, These corrupted Haoles gave the gift of
death to our people, We are not Americans, we are Kanka Maoli!. Monsanto and
other pesticides have ravaged our islands, a pro in order create rapid growth of
genetically modified food, or GMO. There was an account of boys playing in the
fields where Plants were modified, and the pesticides almost killed a boy from
respiratory attack.

In conclusion, people didnt need to be happy with Green money before, they
were happy with Green land with their natural farms, ohana, and Kapu system that
was based on the law of the splintered paddle in order to take care everyone as one.
I will be sharing how we can revitalize our roots so that we may not our Identity as
an intelligent race of warrior people, but always pertain to aloha in the end

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