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A: Im so exting to the prmier,.

J: who not?
C: yes! We can see Brat Pitt
A: it wiil be the best movie in the world
*after the movie*
J: the movie has the best costumes in Hollywood.
A: yes, but the scrit of The Hunger Games is better than the scrit of this movie.
C: whats happend?
A: dont worry is only
J: shhhh, listen
C: what is that?
A: is people runing, but why
J: I dont know, but lets go to safe point.
A: see this tower is perfect
*at the top of the tower*
C: Juanjo, Andres look.
J: whats happend to the people?
A: ohh, #%&$%# RUNNN!!!
J: are climbing the tower, lets out of here!
*a man call us*
A: do you know whats happend in the city?
X: yes, Im work in lSC, a laboratory specialized in science. We are working in a
_________________________, but something went wrong and it became in a know disease,
*a zombie appeared in the room, and bite X*

X: Im will sotp the zombie, run!!!

*we are runing*
One week later
J: we dont have food
C:we have to go to the supermarket
A: are you crazy, out side its full of zombies
J: but we need food, or you have a best idea?
C: ok but we have to be prepared
J: andres brings the wearpones, Con bring the food that we have, I will take care of the
*in the car*
*in the supermarket*

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