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Waiving Right Of Inheritance Agreement

THIS AGREEMENT, made on May 20,2013 by and between Ciobanu Ion(Husband) and
Ciobanu Eugenia (Wife).

1. Preamble. We have each been previously married and have children by our prior marriages.
Husband desires that his children shall inherit his property, and Wife desires that her children
shall inherit her property.

2. Waiver and Release of Statutory Rights. Accordingly, in consideration of our mutual promises
and other valuable consideration, each of us waives any statutory or intestate right or interest that
he or she has or may at any time have in any property now owned or subsequently acquired by
the other. Each of us releases the other and his or her estate from any and all intestate interest,
right, or distributive share that he or she may otherwise be entitled to on the death of the other,
and waives the right to elect to take against any will or codicil made by the other that may be
offered for or admitted to probate. Both of us agree not to oppose but to permit the admission to
probate of any will of the other, and to permit the other's estate to be administered by the person
or persons legally entitled to do so as if we were not married.

Ciobanu Ion
Ciobanu Eugenia
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have subscribed our names on the day and year above set forth.
Marcel Nicoleta


Subsemnatul Machedon Viorel domiciliat n or Balti, str.Iorga 60, CNP 345620983654,

declar c renun n mod expres, n conformitate cu prevederile art.1100 cod civil coroborate cu
cele ale art.1120 Cod civil, la legatul lsat prin testamentul autentificat sub nr 654 din data de
2.12.2013 de ctre defunctul Machedon Martin, decedat la data de 2.10.2013, cu
CNP32543652132987, cu ultimul domiciliu n Singerei, str.M.Biesu 45.
Totodat, declar c nu am fcut niciun act de acceptare tacit a succesiunii defunctului
din cele prevzute de art.1110 din Codul civil.
Prezenta declaraie se nregistreaz pe cheltuiala subsemnatului n Registrul naional
notarial privind opiunile succesorale (RNOS).
Tehnoredactat la notarul public, Maria Nicola, n 5 exemplare, din care un exemplar pentru
arhiva biroului notarial, un exemplar pentru RNOS i 3 exemplare s-au eliberat prii.
Machidon Viorel


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