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Planning- Location

Primary images of Bourne woods

These images are from Bourne woods, the primary location that our
thriller will be set in. We are using the woods because we feel that it will
provide the right atmosphere for our opening sequence as we need
somewhere dark that the antagonist can lurk. The woods is quite a
typical and cliche setting for a thriller film, but it is important that we
show the typical conventions, rather than trying to make it completely
different. We will be filming late in the afternoon so the lighting should be
quite dim, this will hopefully add tension to our opening sequence. I feel
that the woods fit thriller conventions because you can manipulate them
in any way you need, making them look dark and sinister if need be. Its
convenient that Bourne woods is so close to town, so we can access it
Silent Hill: Revelations opening sequence starts with a mid shot of
Heather running through a woods, being pursued by an antagonist. This
is what inspired us to chose this location, as it can be made to look
extremely eerie, dark and mysterious.

Primary Image of Apartment

This is an image of Sams apartment. We chose to use this location

because we feel that it fits the characters age range and personality. Its
a normal home life scene which is important in the thriller genre, it also
provides a sense of realism that we wouldnt have if the whole thing was
set in the woods. This location relates to the thriller genre, it follows the
conventions of other similar thriller films through this intimate home
setting which contrasts the violence within the scene, which emphasises
the harshness of the violence. It isnt a typical setting to be used in the
thriller genre but because it is only used in flashbacks showing Laurens
past it is appropriate. This location wont be used for many shots as the
primary location is Bourne woods.

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