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Name: Najee Lee

Name of School: Carlos J. Finlay elementary
Town: Miami
Name of Teacher Observed: Cathy Benedict
Class: Elementary
Observation Date: Nov. 20 Time: 9-10:30 Date submitted: Nov. 24
The teaching environment was very friendly, inviting, and attentive. Ms. Benedict and her students were very
polite and interactive.
The teachers goals were to sing with a good tone, phrasing, and knowing the difference between quarter note
and eighth note rhythyms
Their rehearsal strategies were very decisive, and were very critical. Benedict and her students used very
appealing power points and stories to appeal to the students attention to limit talking and distraction. This also
helped them to focus on the task at hand
What I would do differently is to be a bit more organized. This goes more for benedicts students, some of them
taught certain lessons wrong and was a bit surprised.
The evidence that learning goals were met was by the majority of the class being able to decipher a quarter note
and eighth note rhythm by any order they put the sets of rhythms in. also the tone of voice they used as they
would sing each song.
The evidence of critical thinking was the responses that were given when they were asked to come up to the
board to mark in the bar lines of the rhythms one of Benedicts students had written. The student had to think
about how many eighth notes equaled one beat and that each measure was four beats.

Students were very active in the lesson. There was dancing involved in a power point and there was always
singing. The students were constantly challenged to match the tone and pitch of Ms. Benedict and their students
and to think outside the box.

A Teachable moment was when the band captain was instructing his section on how to have a well balanced
section. He also reviewed visuals and the climax points of the performance.

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