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CSC134-lab 2

Staying put despite the odds

PIECE of land is more precious than his

life for Palestinian Saheh Raboh, who
can chooses to live in a tent at the site
of his former house which was destroyed by
invading Israel forces 18 month ago.
Braving the harsh weather, 30 years-old Saheh
and his parents are staying under two tents
provided by aid relief. They have also planted
crops as a means of income.
I do not want to lose thw land, it has been in
my family for along time and this is we have
left. We do not want to become like the
thousand and millions of refuges in Palestine
who depend solely on aid.
We want to live like normal people, work for
our living. At the risk of facing another Israel
attack, my family and I choose to live here,
said Saheh, whose home is in small town on
the North Gaza district.
He is among several Palestine who were visited
by the Malaysian Red Crescent Society (MRCS)
humanitarian aid team yesterday during a tour
of the Gaza Strip organized by the Palestinian
Red Crescent Society here.
During the 22-day invasion between December
2008 and January 2009, Israel forces in tanks
and bulldozers crossed the border which is just
a few kilometres away from Sahehs home and
tore down the houses and factories.
Most of the families lost their homes and
belongings. Saheh feels lucky because his family
is spared from the horros of losing their loved
ones. Most Palestinian lost their relatives and
friends during the short war.

Saheh still does odd jobs as he needs the extra

money to buy cement, which is among the
items banned by Israel, to rebuild his home.
After his house was destroyed, he Sahed had
sent his wife and their four children to a
relatives house. He and his parents share the
two tents and have dug a well for their daily
needs to water crops.
Between the still erect pillars of what is left of
his house, Saheh has laid a carpet and cushions,
and tied a hammock under a tent as he watches
over his crops.
Just a short distance away, Palestinians have
started rebuilding their homes. The MRCS ninemen team to Gaza Strip is headed by its
national vice-chairman Datuk Bahari Abu
Mansor, who are also joined its publicity
committee chairman Datuk Ahmad A Talib .

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