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James TERRY <


Teamwork & Leadership CANYONING

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2 December 2014 at 22:38

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Teamwork & Leadership CANYONING

Name: *
James Terry

Describe the task *

In detail, what was the aim of the task? How many teams? What was the team dynamic? Timings? Rules &
The task that we were given was to work as a team to get from one end of the
canyon to the other. This task would require is to support each other and work
as a team. Skills like communication had to be present at the time because it
was in a hazardous environment we had to rely on each other to get the correct
information to find the fastest and safest path to get to the end. The overall
aim of this task was to get all of the students from point A to point B (bottom
to the top). The entire group had a positive attitude towards the task which
meant everyone was helping everyone happily not thinking it was a bore and
letting someone do it by themselves. For the rules and restrictions we only had
a few, not to push or egg on others and to make sure that the end of the group
was always visible (when not in sight a group chant would start).

What was your role in the team? *

What did you do? How did you contribute? Leader or teamworker?
In this task I believe I was a team worker, helping where I could. My main
helping point was carrying all of henrys belongings inside of the dry bag.
Within the group I was positioned at the back at the end and my role was to
make sure that no one went behind me and if anyone needed assistance I
would provide them with it. Because I was at the back I had to carry the water
jugs up the canyon, we rotated the water jugs at every interval. I also believe I
had adopted the monitor evaluator. This is because I was monitoring the
performance and providing feedback to help the person in front of me to help
him climb the canyon in a safer more effective way.

How did you perform as an individual? *

For the M & D criteria make comparisons with other individual performances in your team and relate to theory.

Because there was no clear leader and I wasnt appointed a specific role I tried
to do whatever I could to assist other members of the team. I believe I brought
a humorous approach to this task as I often found myself making other around
me laugh. I had adopted the role of team worker and helped the group my
aiding other when needed but compared to another member of the team who
was appointed team leader had the role of ensuring that everyone was catching
up and that no one fell behind or was left out of the activity.
For the theory of this I will be focusing more on Belbins theory. I believe that I
adopted the role of a team-worker as I played the same role as the majority of
the team and we each had the same objectives. Because other team members
had roles allocated to them like leader others such as myself had adopted the
monitor evaluator role. I had adopted this role because I was observing the man
How did you perform as a team? *
in front of me and giving him aid by telling him where to put his feet and how it
would be easer to do another thing instead of doing what he was doing in order
For the M & D criteria make comparisons with other team performances and relate to theory.
to get up the canyon.
In this task we performed as a temporary team as the time period of the team
was a short one. We managed to learn a lot from the time as a team and we
could apply it to future use in other teams. We had a quick briefing at the
beginning to make sure that everyone was clear on the aims and objectives of
the task.
This time for the team we went through Tuckmans theory. As we started the
task we were unsure of how we could help lead the team as our camp guide
was the only one who knew the route. After some time people started to fall
behind and the members at the front were not taking as much notice as they
were supposed to. After the second stop a system was put into place where if
we fell behind or the back of the line was no longer visible we would say a
series of words and everyone would stop. We also put into place a five minute
What were your strengths? *
break every twenty minutes. After a few stops we got used to this strategy
which formed out performing stage. At the end of the task we had figured out
Communication, problem solving, time management, supporting others, physical abilities, confidence,
that there was more than one overall aim to this task. Our primary aim was to
motivation, resolving conflict, praise, questioning, body language, listening, awareness, creativity etc
get through the course safely, we also had to check off other aims that may
on used
the team,
In thisantask
I had
variety ofin
but thewhich
one that
and had
most relevance to the task was communication. My communication skills on a
daily basis are quite poor but on that day they need to be at the best of my
we only had onesafety
I can not
to another
ability. I communicated
to other
team members clearly. Communication in the task was the most important
because the safety of others was very important. Another strength I possess is
the ability to support others both physically and psychologically. At time I
found myself trying to motivate others by telling them something funny to get
them to move a bit faster.

What were your weaknesses? *

Communication, problem solving, time management, supporting others, physical abilities, confidence,
motivation, resolving conflict, praise, questioning, body language, listening, awareness, creativity etc
Weakness I possessed at the time were very minimal but the one that stood out
the most was resolving conflict. If conflict did occur I would just let the pair that
were arguing figure it out for themselves. This would not be acceptable because
they are not looking out for potential dangers that could harm others and putting
themselves in greater danger than they are already in.

How could you improve for next time? *

Make future recommendations for yourself, your team and other individuals / teams.

For the future I If i was given this task again I would work on my flaws and
weakness like resolving conflict and various other things. I would also work closer
at the from as I would often find myself being held back by the group members
finding it difficult to make it through tougher areas of the canyon. The main aim
of the task was to finish as a team so in the future I would like to keep the group
together and finish as a team even though it would take longer we would finish
the task as it should have been.

Was there any conflict in the group? *

If yes, describe why and how was it resolved? If no, what did the leader do to ensure this was the case?
As far as I'm aware there was no conflict. This is because we had split into our
own little cliques. Because we had no definitive leader there was no one to keep us
in line so we were just doing what we thought was right.

How else could you use relevant theory to analyse the overall performance today? *
Leadership styles, Belbin, Tuckman, Adair, Honey, Margerison & Mccann, Woodcock,
In my opinion I think that we were at the storming stage without the arguments.
Were were not waiting for each other and calling out lose rocks. This information
could be used to find weak links and see weather or not we can progress to the
norming stage.

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