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Medication Tracking Sheet

Tracking Medications Across the Curriculum

(These sheets can be prepared in advance with common meds youll be given on the unit.)
Generic drug name: Zolpidem

Trade Name: Ambien

Major Drug Classification: Sedative/hypnotics

Normal Dosage Range: Geriatric- 5 mg at bedtime

Route of Administration: Oral

Drug Action: Sedation; promotes sleep

Uses: Insomnia
Common Side Effects: drowsiness, dizziness, diarrhea, nausea
Common Adverse Reactions: Hallucinations, anaphylaxis, amnesia, behavior changes
Drug Interactions: CNS depression may increase hypnotics, alcohol, antihistamines, and opioids. Food
decreases and delays absorption.
Nursing Implications:
Assessments: Assess mental status and sleep patterns. Assess for pain (untreated pain can decrease
sedative effects).
Administration: Tablets taken with full glass of water. Do not administer with or immediately after meal
( faster onset of sleep).
Evaluation: Relief of insomnia


Reason for use with this patient

Comments re: Administration/Dose/Patient



Promote sleep

5 mg at bedtime as needed


Promote sleep

10 mg at bedtime as needed

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