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First Grade News

A Peek at the Month
of December:

Welcome to First Grade!

Special Dates
December 18th- First Grade
Christmas Parties at 12:45
December 19th- Polar Express Day
December 22nd-January 5th
Christmas Break- no school!

Your child should Read at Home (RAH) as a regular part

of homework. RAH logs for the 2nd nine weeks incentive
are due December 19th.
Reading: Unit 3: Nonfiction Text Features, Researching and
Note Taking with Nonfiction Texts
Writing: Unit 3: How-To Stories, Informative and Explanatory
Math: Unit 3: Geometry- Identify and describe 2D and 3D
Shapes, name attributes of shapes, and compose a shape from
other shapes. -First Grade students are expected to master
addition and subtraction facts through 10. Timed facts tests
are given on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There will be 12
problems and your child will have one minute to complete.
Once your child has mastered all 12 problems in one minute, he
or she will move up.

Word Wall Words

two, more, write, go, see
number, no, way, could,
people, my, than, first,
water, been

Science/Social Studies: Types of Landforms, Light, Sound,

and Shadows

Decembers Character Essential: Showing Appreciation

Appreciation is being grateful or thankful for something. Your teachers will be watching you this
month to see who is appreciative.

Teacher E-mails

School Phone: 770-532-8781

E-mail transportation changes

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