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Samantha Barajas

Mrs. Rogers

English 12

September 4, 2014
In the novel Animal Farm, most of the characters are animals that are given human
traits. Personification is when something that isnt human, has human qualities. In chapter one
of Animal Farm we find several examples of personification. The fact that this type of figurative
language is used throughout the novel, gives the reader an idea of how the situation was at that
time. It can be challenging at first to recognize this. However, if one pays close attention to the
details than it is easily found throughout the book.

An example of personification is found on page five of the novel and it says that
Benjamin was the oldest animal on the farm he seldom talked, and when he did, it was
usually to make some cynical remark This is personification because obviously animals
dont talk or have specific tempers. With close attention one can start identifying how nonhuman things are given human qualities. Another example we have is found on page ten and
states that While Major was speaking four large rats had crept out their holes and were sitting
on their headquarters, listening to him. In this sentence there are two different personified
characters. One is the pig Old Major that is speaking, and then there are the rats that sit and
listen; both of these animals in real life would not be able to do this.

When we read further on Chapter one, there is yet another example of

personification. On page ten, it is said that Old Major cleared his throat and began to sing,
however pigs cant talk, sing, or actually clear their throats. These are only a few of the many
examples we find in the novel Animal Farm of personification. George Orwell probably
decided to write this novel with a lot of personification because the animals actually represented
something or someone else. It wasnt just a story about random animals taking over a farm; it
had a more deep meaning. Orwell was talking about the political situation of the
time. Therefore it was essential for him to include personification in the novel.

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