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These must be considered as serious obstacles to success, chiefly by reason of the

unpopularity that they engender, this being often due to the natives brusqueness and lack of tact.
The native is often exceedingly outspoken and lacking in direction, and makes enemies
unnecessarily. He is often stubborn and self-willed.
It also indicates strange beliefs, usually of the self-exalting kind; the native may easily be
persuaded that he or she is a chosen prophet, messenger or representative of those on high; the
self-esteem is generally considerable, and the native readily accepts anything that panders to this
The abilities are often great greater, perhaps, than with the Trine and Sextile but they are
often used injudiciously, either in foolish causes or in a manner that occasions trouble. Measureless
conceit and self-will appear to be the basis of most of the errors, the native persisting in his illusions
in the face of all opposition and reason indeed these often seem to increase the stubbornness.
In some cases the effects are mainly external, and in such examples we find the native the
target for more or less unmerited attacks of a bitter character, as for instance the slanders directed
against the Prince Consort in the time of the Crimean War (*).
It is perhaps most fair to say, in this and similar cases, that the natives opinions will be at
variance with those of his associates and others; but it is not always easy to judge astrologically
which view is correct. In some instances the beliefs of the Mercury-afflicted-by-Uranus native are
almost universally rejected, as, for example the alleged supernatural revelations of Josesph Smith,
the Mormon prophet, and the claims to special divine protection made by the ex-Kaiser. In other
cases posterity may justify the native as against his assailants. As a general rule, I think, this type of
affliction denotes definite wrong-headedness at least on some matters.
It is sometimes a criminal influence, apparently sufficing to turn the whole tenor of an
otherwise not particularly evil map into the wrong direction.
(*) The horoscope of this gifted and conscientious man is likely to be a puzzle to those who
use cut-and-dried interpretations, for he had his ruler, Mercury, in major affliction with all four
malefics. I am inclined to think that a Grand Cross is much less evil than is supposed, at all events
for the character. Just as the Grand Trine is admittedly less benefic than might be expected.

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