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Anderson Porta
M. Szetela
English 1010
Learning Buffet #2
November 28, 2014
Save the Oceans, Feed the World!
Save the Oceans, Feed the World!, is a TED talk by Jackie Savitz. She explains that
there are more than a billion hungry people in the world and that this amount is going to rise in
the next years for the reason that the world population is increasing. This is a big problem
because arable land is the declined in different countries around the world and climate change
is changing the rainfall patterns which is causing dry and floods in some areas, to be more
specific growing crops is not an option to feed hungry people. She also says that oceans can
help us feed hungry people but only if do three important things so the amount of fish can
increase. First we have to set limits on how much we take from the oceans, and then we have
to reduce accidental fish catching and protect habitats, but if we dont do these three things we
wont be able to feed hungry people. This TED talk makes me wonder what would happen with
the people that dont have food if we dont do the three things that Savitz talked about.
I learned three things from this TED talk. I learned that in order to reduce hunger in the
world we have to set a limit on how many fishes we take from the ocean. Countries around the
world should create laws about the amount of fish can be allow to catch per person or

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business. I know that in the United States you have to pay for a fishing license, and not all the
people in this country is able to pay for a fishing license so this help reduce the number of fish
taken from the ocean, but in the country where I come from which is Peru you dont need a
license or permit to go fishing. This means that anybody can go fishing at any time or anywhere.
I also learned that we have to stop the bycatch. A baycatch means accidental captures
of unwanted marine creatures such as dolphins, sea birds, marine turtles, etc. I think that we
can stop bycatch by incorporating different fishing methods, using technology so we dont
catch the wrong fish and teaching fishermen how not to fish.
And the third thing that I learned is we have to protect habitats. We can protect the
habitats by not throwing garbage to the ocean. This is a main problem in my country because
people take their trashes and throw them in the ocean.
I asked myself would it be possible to do those three things in countries that are near
the oceans? I think if we take massive action we will be able to help people that are very hungry
around the world.

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