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The Jones Journal

December 5, 2014

wear regular shoes (no bedroom shoes or

slippers, please.)


Coleman and Abby cut pieces f or a snowman activity.


have been discussing what digraphs are (two
letters, one sound) during shared reading and
what makes them so special. Also, we have
started listing words that we find in books that
start with the different digraphs /th/, /sh/ and
/ch/. See if your child can tell you what a
digraph is and some words that start with each.

The Holiday Program is coming up on
Wednesday, December 17th. During this
program the children sing songs and perform
routines that involve the things they have learned
in music. The program starts at 9:45. Make sure
to bring your camera and other family members
if they are in town for the holidays! I will put a
sticker on the children the day before to help you
Kindergarten will sing at the PTO Meeting this
Monday, December 8th at 6:00. Mrs. Key has
asked students to wear red, green, and/or white
since they will be singing holiday songs at this
CWES will be having a Polar Express/Pajama Day
on Friday, December 19th. Your child is welcome
to wear their favorite pajamas but please have them

We will have our class party Thursday,

December 18th at 1:00. The party will consist of
4 different activities (each lasting about 15
minutes) that the children will rotate through. All
parents are invited to join us; however, I need to
make sure there are at least 4 volunteers present
to lead/help with each activity. I will have
everything that is needed for each rotation so no
planning is needed on your part. If you are
interested, please let me know!
We still need a few more clear, gallon-size
plastic jugs for an activity we will be doing at
our class party/rotations.

December 8 PTO Meeting at 6:00
9 Niffers Night
17 Holiday Program at 9:45
18 Class Party/Rotations at 1:00
19 Polar Express/Pajama Day

This weeks reading is a short article titled When
an adult took standardized tests forced on kids. I
found this piece extremely interesting and
thought it was appropriate since I will start
assessing for the kindergarten checklist soon. If
you signed up for the Paperless Classroom
Communication option, this reading can be
found on the right side of our blog under
Suggested Parent Readings.


Dont forget that November journals are being
sent home today. The children are extremely
excited about showing them off to you so take
some time and read it with your child.
Have a wonderful weekend!!! -S. Jones

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