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Dalton Schreiner

UWRT 1101
Mrs. Connie Douglas
Professor of UWRT 1101
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Cameron Room 113
Dear Mrs. Connie Douglas:
The reason for this letter is to tell you why I deserve overall a C+ or a B- in your class at this
moment in time. I have been active in your class every day when possible and I do every entry in the
daybook the day it is assigned. From looking at the daybooks around me in class, I feel that I write a
decent amount in my own. My literacy could always use improvement no matter where I am at it in life,
and at the moment, I feel it could use some.
Assessing myself as a daybook keeper, I can tell myself that I do need to put in more work. Yes, I
have been writing more than I usually do when I answer questions because I am no longer in high
school, but I do feel that I could and will produce better work from now on until the final. I have
completed every single daybook assignment except for one which I do need to and will finish up. I make
sure that in the end, I pass and try to pass with the highest grade I can get. Even though the entries in
the daybook are not individually graded, overall as one big grade, I feel that I am doing just a little bit
above average on them if I am looking at the way that you grade them. By the way I look at it myself, I
feel I am not completely at the average level but I do bring more potential than others.
My participation in this class is what I think is definitely above average in this class. I feel for me
that should be a given because I am a social person and I love to talk. I have not yet once missed a day
of class and I never have a bad attitude in class. I always come in with a smile and a positive outlook on
class because this is one class that I like going to. I always have my text book with me just in case, a
pencil, and my daybook. I make sure every time before I leave to class that I have those 3 things. I am

involved in discussions and I answer various questions that are asked during class. Participation is one
thing that if I am doing bad in one area of the class that it can help pull up the grade in that one area.
Where I am at with my literacy is around average. The reason that I say that is even though I
think I am a great writer, my ability to read drops down the grade. To me, reading is something that I
will only do when it is assigned to me, an email, or a letter written to me. Most times when I read, I
skim the article or story to get the main point of it. After I got that, I turn to the questions and search
for them in the story. The only issues that I run into for my literacy is finding something that I can relate
to when I read or something that seems interesting enough for me to read before I go look at the
My overall grade in this class so far should be either a C+ or a B-. The reason why I say that is
because my overall performance is not average but I myself do not think that it is definitely above
average. I feel that I lie in the middle and my participation is one thing that helps bring me up above the
average level of grading. I feel Im putting a good enough effort into my daybooks but looking back I can
see that I could definitely improve on it. Even though my literacy doesnt have a grade to it, it can
definitely play a part into the grading by how I act in the class. That is why overall, I think that I lie inbetween the C to B range and deserve a C+ or B-.

Dalton Schreiner

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