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Sara N. Mndez Gonzlez

Professor: Edna Cruz
Ingl 3103
December 5, 2014

Experience in RUM
I was a student of the University of Puerto Rico in Arecibo. I began in Arecibo
because it was more easier to me and my parents, because I am from Camuy. The time
that I spend to get to Arecibo was approximately 25 or 35 minutes dependent of the
traffic that day. Also, because my parents do not have to spend in me more than $50 for
week, so it was less expensive. In my third year of college I decide to change the
university to University of Puerto Rico in Mayagez to see more world I said and also
to know more new people and make some friends. Today, I am here and this is my third
year. I like so much because I felt independently, I have had many opportunities in the
area that I am studying and also like the college environment. I hope you continue
enjoying and continue to open doors for the future which is already looming.

I like this university because I feel indepen. I love this because I have to make my
own decisions to everything. I have the decisions of what I want to eat today, the
decisions or going hang out or stay studying and the decisin to spend the weekend or go
to my home to study. It is so good because this decisin make me grow up in live,
because with this little decisions I know that in the future are going to help me to decide
something more biggest and important for me. For example, this weekend I do not went
to my house because I have to work on assignments that need internet, so I took the
decisions to stay and make it to then go and visit my beautiful family. Also, I had so
many opportunities in the biology rea. In this university are many associations that are
very important when you need some experience to go to a graduate school in a future.
Also, here the university, specifically the biology department have the opportunity to
make a course called coop. This coop is a course that is outside the university, you can
do it in places that are related in biology, it can be a laboratory, health department,
hospitals and other. This is so important too when you are interested in the ,medicine rea
because persons that evaluate you in a future saw that you have experience and that is a

Mndez 1
point in your favor when you are looking for a job or finish your studies. Moreover, the
ambient here is cozy, the rain, the hot days for the sun, the wind, the people and other
things are very cool and special and you feel like you are with your second family.

In conclusin, when I move to Mayaguez to study in the university of Puerto Rico

was a awesome experience in my life. I like so much here because I can do it what I want
and feel that I can make my own decisin, also the opportunities that the college offer to
the students are very good to crate a good archive for the future and also because here
you can find humble and kind people that help you in a good way to keep in what you
want and make it you more positive. Being in a University is a blessing, enjoy your live
and work for your future to be better and be the person that you want in a future.

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