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December 4, 2014

I am pleased to join in commemorating the upcoming 100th anniversary of the

Panama-California Exposition of 1915.
Our country prospers when men and women come together in common purpose to
build a brighter future for themselves and their families. This legacy was fortified
nearly a century ago with the completion of the Panama Canal and the establishment
of San Diego as a new major port city.
In the years since, San Diego has written its own chapters in America's story, and
its spirit has enriched the character of our Nation. Your community has helped
bolster global markets, contributing to decades of progress and prosperity by
making the shipment of goods easier and strengthening the links that connect the
world economy. Your city has also served to protect this land we love and given
proud service members a vibrant place to call home.
America must continue to expand our economy and ensure equal opportunity for
anyone willing to work hard. As we move forward, let us draw strength from
those who have influenced our past and helped us imagine the possibilities for the
I wish everyone all the best as you reflect on this special milestone and pay tribute
to all those who have made San Diego what it is today.

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