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In a 7-by-7 checkerboard two unit squares will be chosen

at random and without replacement. What is the probability
that the two squares are adjacent to each other (share a
side)? Express your answer as a common fraction.

2. From eight quarts of pure orange juice, one quart is

served and one quart of water is added to what is left. One
quart of this diluted beverage is served to students and
another quart of water is added to what remains. What
fraction of this final mixture is orange juice? Express your
answer as a common fraction.

3. Kevin plays a game in which he draws 3 cards at random

and without replacement from a set of 7 cards that are
numbered with the integers 1 through 7. He wins if the sum
of the three numbers on the drawn cards is at least 10 or if
card number 5 is one of the drawn cards. What is his
probability of winning? Express your answer as a common

4. In a set of four consecutive even positive integers the

difference of twice the smallest integer and the cube root of
the largest integer is 112. What is the smallest integer?

5. Given any positive even integer, x, the positive

difference between the smallest odd number greater than 7x
− 2 and the largest odd number less than 3x + 5 can be
written in the form ax + b. What is a + b?
6. In triangle ABC points D and E lie on sides AB and BC,
respectively, so that AD / DB = 3 / 5 and CE /EB = 1 /2
Segments CD and AE intersect at point F. What is the value
of CF / FD ? Express your answer as a common fraction.

7. Each of the integers 1, 2, 3, ..., 16 is written on a separate

slip of paper and these slips are placed in a pile. Jillian will
randomly draw slips from the pile without replacement and
will continue drawing until two of the numbers she has
drawn from the pile have a product that is a perfect square.
What is the maximum number of slips that Jillian can draw
without obtaining a product that is a perfect square?

8. Two circles with radii of 2 and 4 units are externally

tangent to each other. The line containing their centers
intersects a common external tangent line at point X, which
is not on either of the circles. What is the shortest distance
from X to the nearest circle?

9. Square ABCD has side lengths of 13 units. Point E lies

in the interior of the square such that AE = 5 units and BE
= 12 units. What is the distance from E to side AD?
Express your answer as a mixed number.

10. An equilateral triangle with a side length of 12 inches

has midpoints placed on each side. Each of these three
midpoints is connected to the other two midpoints. The
newly formed triangle has midpoints placed on each of its
three sides. What is the farthest distance from any of the
newest-placed midpoints to any vertex of the original
triangle? Express your answer in simplest radical form.

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