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Through my assessments I have learned a lot about child & which could help me come up with a plan to

help him self-regulate and not distract his classmates.

Whenever child A becomes bored he makes loud noises, blurts answers, taps his pencil, or starts talking
to his neighbors. This causes his classmates to become irritated with child A, Thus, I want to teach him
howto self-regulate.
The first thing I would do to help child A is to give him sometling to do when he has finished his work. He
is a very bright child and he can easily work on more challenging work when he has finished all of his
other school work Another thing I might try is to ask him what he could do besides makes noises and tap
pencils to self-regulate himself. Maybe he could have a stress ball that he can squeeze when he needs to
self-regulate. Or he can be the one to help me pass out papers so he can move around. Also, I could use
positive reinforcement to help this child self-regulate. I would have a reward in place that this child
desires. It could be something dealingwith animals, Michel |ackson, or sports based on his interest. I can
see that child A needs consistency and his home life is not consistenL I feel that if I use positive
reinforcement through stickers or stamps, then I will be providing a consistent environment for this
child. He will know what is expected of him, and together we will work on his regulation, in a caring
environment. Also, I feel that any body movement would help this child better focus and maybe help him
regulate more effectively.

would monitor child A's progress through anecdotal records and observation, and
remind him to self-regulate if he is too noisy or distracting. I would want to come up with a signal that
onlywe would know, to remind him. I would also wantto see if there are anytriggers for his distractions.
Then as his teacher I would see if I could come up with a wayto lessen these triggers. I want school to be
a positive experience and I feel that helping child A self-regulate will help him feel empowered that he
has control of himself, and this may help him gain more friends. Mainly, I want child B to have tools and
strategies available to him so no matter how out of control his life may feel, he has control over himself.

As the teacher I

Effective Writing [5 pts)

Total Grade:


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