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Tyra Myers
Mrs. Harrell
English 4
November 14, 2014
Research Question: What is the criteria for a good self-defense course?
Working Thesis Statement: The criteria for a good self-defense course is making sure you learn
a good set of skills to protect yourself during an attack.
Refined Thesis Statement: The criteria for a good self-defense course is a set of being aware,
assertive, along with verbal confrontation skills dealing with safety strategies and physical
techniques in helping one to escape successfully, and resisting and surviving violent attacks.
Annotated Bibliography
"Guidelines for Choosing a Self-Defense Course." Guidelines for Choosing a Self-Defense
Course. NCASA Self-Defense AD-HOC Committee. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.
This article states that there are no guarantees when it comes to self-protection. However,
self-defense training can increase ones choices. A good self-defense program, ideally
should reflect an outlook of philosophical points. One point is that no one person ever
asks for, nor causes, invites, or deserves to be attacked or assaulted. Second point is
whatever one decides in any given situation of having to use self-defense, whatever one
takes or doesnt take as far as action, that person is not at fault. Third point, a good selfdefense program, one is not told what they should or not should do. They offer options,
techniques, and ways in handling or analyzing different situations. The fourth point is the

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goal of a good self-defense program is being empowerment towards one having the
respect in the decisions that they have the right to make about his or her participation.
This article will help prove my claim because knowing guidelines in a good self-defense
program will ensure an equal application of the law when there is use for self-defense.
"Self-Defense Information." LACAAW. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.
This article states that self-defense is more than knowing how to fight back a physical
attack. When you participate in a self-defense class it encourages you to think in options
and choices. A good self-defense course will expand the way you think about violence
prevention and develops your awareness and assertiveness skills. It also helps you deal
with your fears. It also expresses the different formats in programs and that there is not
only one standard program. There are many question one should ask before signing up
for a self-defense course. Background checks could also be needed when trying to find a
well all around program. One needs to feel safe when in a self-defense course which is
why it is not a good idea just too quickly choose and sign up before knowing what the
class is about. One also needs to know the type of people that are in there and if student
and instructor are respectful. Therefore, this article will help me prove my claim because
it tells about the criteria of the people and programs.

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