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Custard Rice Pudding

Rice pudding you can develop normally in the fire, or like me, in the
We put butterflies in the blades, then add all the ingredients in the glass
less sugar and butter. We schedule 90, 40 minutes, speed 1.
As rice is prepared, we put a source with "two fingers" of water in the
oven to 180 warms.
We dark caramel with 60 gr. sugar and a few drops of water in a pan. Pour
it into a mold and set aside.
We spent 40 minutes, add the sugar and butter in the bowl of the
Thermomix, we again set at the same speed and temperature, 8 minutes.
Then we remove the lemon peel and cinnamon stick, we incorporate the
glass eggs, put 30 seconds to integrate well with rice milk and pour it into
the mold.
We introduce water bath we had in oven 40 minutes at 180 degrees.
Once cool and unmold we serve accompanied with some liquid chocolate.

1 1/2 l. milk
200 gr. rice
230 gr. sugar
70 gr. butter
The zest of one lemon
1 cinnamon stick
5 eggs

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