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Commerce revision

Political involvement
1.1 Democracy is a type of government where you have a say if youre a citizen here either directly
or indirectly (elected representatives). Democracy originates from Greece. Democracy can be
divided in 2 Demo meaning power kratos meaning people. There are 2 different types of
democracies including direct and indirect. Direct is people govern directly and developed in
Athens, and the other one means and indirect- you choose who will represent you for
1.2 Levels of government. There are 3 levels of government which include local, state and federal.
The local government is the local councils and are responsible for running their designated town.
The state government is in charge of matters that influence the particular state and federal is in
charge or matters that affect the whole country. The parliament in the federal government
located in Canberra.
1.3 Law making process. There is a long process in order a government to introduce a new law. The
first stage is making the idea. From there they create a draft and hand It over to Chief
Parliamentary counsel. The bill (law in the making) has to pass both houses. In the house or
representative there is a numerous readings that they have to pass. First it goes to the first
reading where they will introduce the bill. Following that there is a second reading were they
debate on it. Then is all member agree it will move to the 3rd reading where there is more
debate and once it passes that is has passed the houses. Then they take it to the govern general
and he then agrees or disagrees on it (queen representative). Then they will announce a
commencement date on the new law and then it will be in action.
1.4 The government is divided into two parts the House of Representatives and the senate. The
house of representatives is made up of 148 members representing the different areas around
the country. Each area is called an electorate and if u get more than half of the voted you can
form the government. There are 12 senators in each state and 2 senators in the territories.
Cabinet is a group of senior ministers in a government who determines government policies.
Mayor is head of the council that has a status of a city or shire.
1.5 Issues that concern the communities. Some issues affect all the Australians where as some affect
some of them depending of their interest. The issue for teenagers can be permanent or part
time work, ages, licence and so on. Issues affecting adults can be housing, food, child car and so
1.6 Taking action on political issues. If we dont agree with what the government has done then
people collect other people with the same thoughts and they start protesting. A political party is
an organisation of people with similar interest or ideas. Individuals can influenced the decision
making process by writing, meeting or just calling a representative of the local council or a
talkback radio program. An interest group is a group of people who campaign on a cause they
have in common. Trade unions are a type of interest group. The media is one of the most
powerful one. This involves the media, newspaper, television, radio and now internet play.
1.7 Decision making. Decisions are the key factor that influences change. Decision making is a
process that usually involves and examination. There are 4 different types of organisation which
make decisions that impact the community. Government make decisions that impact on our
everyday life. For example the Australian government decision to support the US invasion of Iraq
was decided upon with the Prime minister and the cabinet. Business can impact our lives by
investing in a new factory will help create new jobs. Welfare organisations assist poor
unfortunate people. Media helps shape public discussion and debate, the issues we talk about

by highlighting some and ignoring some. The Process is simple First they get inputs from the
decisions making organisations then they make it into a policy option for the minister to
consider. From there the minister chooses the best policy and proposes it to the cabinet. The
policy is either accepted, modified or denied. Then the houses considers the policy and makes it
into a law.
1.8 There are 2 types of methods of counting votes in an election. These are first past the post and
preferential voting. First past the post is when the candidate receives the most votes wins. This
is use in federal elections from 1901 to 1918. The voter puts an X on the person they vote and
the person who got the most wins. Preferential voting is more complicated voting system for
federal elections, state and local elections from 1918. The Ballot papers can be different in
different states. In preferential voting each candidate is given a number and u vote from who
you would like to win to who u wont want to win. If the ballot paper is incomplete it wont
count. To win you will need 50% plus one. If none have more than 50% then they eliminate the
lowest candidates and they go again. They repeat this till they have a winner. Optional
Preferential. Some states have an optional preferential system of voting which is another form
of preferred voting.
1.9 An interest group is an organization that seeks to influence the decision- making process of
governments or large corporation. Sectional Groups aim to promote the interests of a specific
section of a community e.g. trade union. Promotional groups, aim to promote a particular
because e.g. groups associated with moral issues and environmental issues. Moral interest
group. Environmental interest group. PROS allowing concerned citizens to have a say, consistent
campaigning CONS misuse of power, biased opinion.


2.1 Rules and laws. We are all familiar with rules. Parents usually have rules for their children
dictating how late we can stay. However rules are and regulations are not laws. A rule is specific and
applies only to some people of the time. Law is not specific. Is applies to all of us all the time.
2.2 Australia has a hierarchical court system. Inferior (local court), intermediate (the district court),
Superior (the Supreme Court). The local court is called the magistrates as it is presided over by a
magistrate. This is a quick and cheap court. The district court is a more senior court which is judged
by a judge. Civil law between $40000 to $750000 and any matter motor vehicle accident. Supreme
Court is the highest which only hears the serious cases and those involving difficult parts of the law.
2.3 Areas of law. Modern law is complex. There is public law and private law. Public law is when the
public is suing you for being a bad person, where as a private law is a law that deals with the way
individuals. When someone sues you.
Public law is to protect the general public from harm. The police arrests the person for making
people un safe. Represented by the crown parliament. The 6 main types of criminal activity is Crimes
against persons eg Homicide, manslaughter and assault. Crimes against properties Larceny, break
and entering, robbery. White collar crime are crimes committed with professional people. Crimes
against the state (country) these include Sedition and treason. Public order offences and traffic
3.4 Constitutions are special documents that are set of rules outlining how the government should
be run the government controls the rules if not will get dismissed. Most of our rights come from
statute and common law. The constitution is divided into 3 branched the executive, the legislature
and the judiciary. The executive is the prime minister the legislature is the commonwealth

parliament and the judiciary is the high court of Australia. Is was made this way so it has more points
of view.
Civil law governs the legal relations between individuals and organisations. If there is criminal
activity the will be police involved. The civil law matter is the person bringing the case is referred to
as plaintiff. The 3 main types of Civil law are Contract law (Legally blinded between 2 parties. This is
the majority of the cases. ), property law (Anything that can be bought and sold the way it is
purchased) and tort law (Civil wrong. Composition.).
Family law is the body of the law that regulates marriage and divorce, and adoptions.
3.5 Statute law is the most common law making in Australia. It involves parliament passing the bill.
Lengthy proses of debating
Common law is unique to those legal systems that adopted English common laws. Used when there
is no appropriation statute law. Judges decisions in pending cases are informed by the decisions of
previously settled cases.

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