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Law, the discipline and profession concerned with the customs, practices, and rules of conduct
of a community that are recognized as binding by the community.

The aims of law

1. Make society more stable and enable people to flourish

2. Provide facilities for people to make their own arrangements
3. Settle disputes about what the law is and whether it has been broken
4. Settle what the system of government has to be

International Law Elements

An extra system on top of the state system.

Aim for stability and encourage trade and other contracts between states.

Law, Morality, and Self Interest

The threat of punishment and other sanctions are often effective in the short run. Hence, the law
has to build on a basis of morality and any self-interest in the long run. Law and moral opinion
support one another.

Law can only be enforced when it is backed by morality and self-interest. From moral opinion
and self interest a state can pick out some rules about behavior and give them official status as
law. The benefit of turning rules about behavior into laws is that the the forbidden or demanded
can be spelled out more exactly.

In contrast, the are arguments for not making everything that is morally right into a legal duty.
This statement often given to allows people more space to do what they like without interference.
If law regulate every aspect of our live it will irritates people in the long run and law will
become disrepute. Also, too much law creates a bonanza for lawyers without any real benefit to
ordinary people.


 The legislature makes new law and cancels or repeals old laws
 In Britain, Parliament and the King.
 In Indonesia, parliament is DPR and Senate.
 Parliament is the highest legislative body in Malaysia. It consists of His Majesty The
King as the Head of State, The Senate and The House of Representatives (DPR)
 The laws that made by legislature are statutes.
 The executive government (in Britain the Queen and ministers. in Indonesia president,
vice president, and the ministers. In Malaysia it consist prime minister followed by
various of minister in cabinet).
 Unsolved problems abound without certain solutions. To find the right (or best) solutions
calls for learning, wisdom, and restrain.
o Learning: the decision must be consistent with the history and traditions of society
and its laws.
o Wisdom: the solution must fit the facts of the case and the interest of the people
o Restrain (pengendalian diri): the law must build on what already exist.
 A lawyer is concerned to finding best solution to a conflict that is consistent with the
authority of the constitutions.

 Constitutional governments (limited government), conducted according to rules and
principles. These limits can only be imposed by law and backed by public opinion. Limit
= the maximum amount of something that is allowed by law

<aside> 💡 Supremasi hukum (rule of law) merupakan upaya menegakkan dan

menempatkan hukum pada posisi tertinggi. Dengan menempatkan hukum sesuai
tempatnya, hukum dapat melindungi seluruh warga masyarakat tanpa adanya intervensi oleh dan
dari pihak manapun, termasuk oleh penyelenggara negara.


Types of law and classification

 Property law: buying, selling and renting houses and business property
 Employment law: people’s relationships with their employers or employees
 Criminal law: criminal offences and punishments. Such as treason, murder, theft, and
driving without a license.
 Family law: divorce and laws about children
 Administrative law: the relationships between citizens and the state
 Contract law: how people and businesses can make binding contracts
 Human Rights law: what human rights people have and how they are protected

Yellow: Civil Law, disputes between individuals or businesses.

Green: Public Law, individual citizen and the state.

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