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Cutting preparation
Sample quality : At the Shale shakers
Sample quality : Cuttings representativeness
Large volume of cuttings requirements
Cuttings poorly representative
Sample quality : the cutting cleaning
Check always the top sieve
Water base mud cuttings cleaning
Oil base mud cuttings cleaning
Sample quality : the lag depth
Sample Quality Check list
Drying the cuttings
Packaging the cuttings


Cutting description method

Macroscopic as well as Microscopic
Systematic Cutting Description Method
General Sequence of Description
Guidelines for cutting description
Estimating Percentage
Description sequence
Rock name
Grain Color
Cutting shape
Grain Color, Shape & Surface, Size, Sorting
Cementation & matrix
Accessory Minerals & unusual features
Hydrocarbon shows


Last advice


Cutting description Guidelines

Cutting preparation
The best lithologist will have a little performance if he describe unreliable sample.
A good and simple advice, before to start the cutting description job, is to walk around
the shale shakers and to observe the sample catcher in his sampling activity.
Sample quality : At the Shale shakers
The screens used are ranging from 40 to 200 meshes (0.075 to 0.38mm).
The screens commonly used are the 100/150 meshes. With these screens you will be
normally able to distinguish silts or very fine quartz grains from your cuttings.
Anyway, if despite, ROP, LWD and gas indications, you are unable to identify sands or
silts in cuttings, ask for a check sample from the desilter.
Sample quality : Cuttings representativeness
If the samples are not collected properly, so not representative, the best and elaborate
description will become useless. Also the post-mortem studies using the badly recovered
collection of cuttings can be questionable.
WARNING This kind of problems happens often when the sample catcher is not
experienced and when the volume of cuttings for collection required is too important.
Large volume of cuttings requirements
Unfortunately, large volume of cuttings requirements for collection, happens in the small
sized reservoir section.
Check if the sample catcher concern is only, how to get the volume requested for
collections, and not how to collect accurately samples.
Explain to each Mudloggers exactly how you want the sample caught. In that case the
best way is to proceed as follow:

Collection samples (Wet, Geochemical, Dried) will always be an interval, e.g.

between 2 requested sample depths
Ask the sample catcher to catch the maximum cuttings in this interval, by using for
example a plank down to the shale shakers.
Check if, after collecting the cuttings, he flushes or removes regularly on the plank,
all cuttings from the former interval.
Ask him to collect carefully for your cutting description, the top part of the collected
interval, which is supposed to be at the correct sample lagged depth.

Abnormal case, particular event such mud returns overflow, inopportune flushing of
cuttings by derrickman etc

Ask the sample catcher to collect you a sample for cuttings description at the next
reliable depth (it can be 1m after, if the planned sample depth is missed).
For collection its better to miss some samples, than to fill half, all the bags (of course
giving the priority to the TOTAL collection over the partners or the local/national
organization). In that case ask the sample catcher to leave in the cuttings sample box,
a marker in place of the missing sample, with a simple text such Not sampled.

Cuttings poorly representative

Its sometimes inevitable:

In deep offshore drilling, representativeness maybe difficult to evaluate due to the

cutting recirculation in the riser causing unreliable or difficult description of the
lumpy cuttings generated.
Poor drilling (worn bit or turbodrilling) generating rock flour.
Poor hydraulic parameters, generating unreliable recirculated lumpy cuttings (if too
low) or washing reservoirs (if too high) causing overestimation of sand.
Geomechanic wellbore instability, introducing non-representative cavings in your
In every case, report the cutting representativeness problems in the Masterlog.

You need to think about the further laboratory studies. Warning him, you can help the lab.
end user and allow him to save time and to avoid inaccurate results.
Sample quality : the cutting cleaning
The cleaning of cuttings is a simple separation of cuttings from the mud using sieves.
3 sieves is a standard combination: 5 mm + 1 mm + 50 m. The top sieve will stop the
recirculated large cuttings or cavings, the middle one will sort the representative cuttings
to analyze and you will check the silts and forams from the last one.
Check always the top sieve
In the top sieve, ensure amounts, type and size of cavings need to be monitored closely
(particularly in High Pressure wells). When cavings are present or suspected, this fact
should be noted on the masterlog it is very important geomechanic information.
For example: drilling mainly sandstone levels whilst experiencing cavings from overlying
shales, the percentages may be 90% shale, 10% sandstone. These would be recorded with
the added note: shale all cavings + shape description

Water base mud cuttings cleaning

Cutting cleaning is often performs by jetting with pressured water.
High gel muds difficult to wash, ask the mud logger to clean with light touch and not
to squash cuttings, the cutting shape is important information.
If the formation is unconsolidated, soft and sticky then soft clays will be easily
washed away. Get the Mudloggers to put a small pile of unwashed sample on the tray.
If clay washing is high, as per the following figure, estimate the percentage of volume
loss (clay washed away) and make a raw overestimation rule for soft clay content.

Oil base mud cuttings cleaning

The main cleaning method is base oil + detergent. A set of buckets is used, if possible 2
containing the base oil and 2 containing hot water mixed with a powerful professional
detergent. Mud removal is done in the base oil and the cleaning of cuttings in the hot
water + detergent buckets.
Due to the toxicity of the fumes, this cleaning operation has to be performed in
an open-air place. Ask the sample catcher to always wear gloves and if its not
supplied, request a product (cream or balm) to protect and care hands.
WARNING For oil and glycol based mud, insufficient washing can cause grains to have
a coating around, or stain on the grain, which makes analysis difficult. The color is
masked and it prevents the cutting reacting with acid properly.

Sample quality : the lag depth

The lag depth accuracy is a function of the good appreciation of the volume of the size of
the open hole part of the well.
Because mudloggers can only underestimate the borehole size, errors from inaccurate lag
depth will cause a delay in the arrival of the in depth cuttings. This will also affect the
representativeness of the cuttings. Accuracy of the lag depth can be checked while
drilling with gas returns.
From time to time, use the opportunity of the connection gas (air slug) to verify the
precision of the lag depth correction. This has to be done particularly after large cavings
production or sand production, these 2 events being a typical consequence of washouts. If
a LWD logging takes place, check the consistency of the lithological variation with the
Sample Quality Check list
Regular checks:
1. Occasionally check how the sample catchers are catching the samples to ensure
consistency and are complying with the collection program. Are the cutting samples
2. Do the samples noticeably change at sample catchers shift changes? Are there
differences between individuals in how they carry out sample catching and
processing? It can have noticeable effects on sample appearance.
3. Is the lag correct? Do samples and gas tie in with drilling breaks or LWD responses?
A lag check should be performed at least once a day.
Drying the cuttings
Ask mud loggers to never cook cuttings in a hotplate, you want it dried not cooked. This
drying must be done with a reasonable temperature (max. 60 degC), over this temperature
the further geochemical analysis of the cuttings will be modified.
If the weather conditions and the rig facilities allow it, dry samples outside, especially for
Oil base mud cuttings, you will avoid to breath the fumes.
Packaging the cuttings
Two basic rules:
Check the marking, markers must be permanent and should resist to all bags
Check the labeling, labels must be clearly identifiable and written as per TI Operation
Geology instructions (check Geoprolog standing instructions).

The calcimeter records a volume of CO2 per minute produced by the HCl reaction on the
carbonate molecules. This volume is translated in %, relative to a standard reaction
between a pure limestone powder and the HCl.
CaCO3 + 2 HCl CaCl2 + H2O + CO2 (or with Mg CO3)
The CO2 volume is linked to the quantity of CO3- - ions.
The volume of CO2 (expressed in %) obtained after 1 is supposed to represent the pure
calcite content.
Because the reaction is slower for the dolomite, after 3 the percentage (or CO2 volume)
is supposed to represent the dolomite content.
Basic rules for a good job:
Check if the mud logger cleans well the cuttings (OBM, Glycol mud).
Check the crush, dried cuttings needs to be finely and homogeneously powdered to
allow a good and homogeneous acid reaction.
Check if the calcimetry sample weight is constant and accurate.
If a good cutting cleaning is difficult to perform, ask the mud logger to shake stronger
the reactor device, in order to favor and improve the acid attack.
Last trick, sometimes the high Pyrite content can mask and increase the Dolomite
percentage, after checking:
the Pyrite content in the cuttings,
the rotten egg smell, when opening the reactor device.
You just need to report it in the Litholog, with this example of comment:
Dolomite % increased by high Pyrite content

Cutting description method

Macroscopic as well as Microscopic
As well as describing individual samples the Wellsite Geologist should also look at the
broader view. Lay out sample trays on a bench in the unit in depth order. By doing this,
subtle color or texture changes can be seen which may be missed in individual samples.
If changes do occur then look again at individual samples to see if any changes have been
missed. Do these changes tie in with tops? These can be used for descriptive intervals on
logs and reports.

Systematic Cutting Description Method

All samples should be examined for:
Lithology and accessory minerals, microfaunal content
Texture and fabric
Porosity and permeability
Hydrocarbon type and content

General Sequence of Description

The sequence of description of cutting samples should follow the same standard routine:
1. Look at the sample tray without the microscope. Are the various lithotypes
easily distinguishable? Ensure there is sufficient sample on the tray and that it
is a maximum of one layer thick.
2. Put the sample tray in the UV box, is there any fluorescence? Is this natural
mineral fluorescence (limestone or Heavy minerals) or is there a possible
3. Put the sample tray under the microscope at low magnification and look round
the tray. As the sample tray is processed the various lithotypes are aggregated
by the washing action.
4. A visual determination of the relative percentages of the various lithologic
components should be made and entered on the Wellsite Description Sheet.
Dont be afraid to go back and change these percentages when you have
described the lithotype as it is sometimes better go gauge percentages after the
descriptions and the sample has dried a bit.
5. Methodically describe the sample as per the guidelines.
6. Perform lithotype test as required.
7. Check and describe shows as per guidelines.
8. Fill in as much information as possible on the Wellsite Description Sheet.
9. Review percentages again.
10. Do samples fit in with changes in ROP or LWD curves?
11. See how sample fits in to overall sequence of samples.
Guidelines for cutting description
Estimating Percentage
This becomes easier with experiences, to help you, you will find many charts to exercise
your eyes in the percentage estimate. The main things to remember are:

Do not spend hours agonizing about each percentage. It is not an exact

science and you will not be penalized for being 10% out.
Estimate percentage to nearest 5-10%. Anything less than 5% are usually
designated as rare trace to good trace. Use comparison charts.
If the cuttings are gradational between end members, e.g. sandstones, silstone
and claystone, then estimate the relative percentage as best you can but make
a note of the gradational nature. Pick criteria to decide what is what and stick
by it. If possible, discuss these criteria with your back to back and with the
Mudloggers too.
Always reassess percentage after you have described the lithotypes. It is often
easier to see when you have got your eye in on the lithotypes.

Description sequence
Rock name:
Grain Color:
Cuttings Shape:
Grain Size:
Grain Shape & surface:
Accessory Minerals:
Unusual Features :
Hydrocarbon Shows:

Sandstone, siltstone etc.

Use standard color charts
Mainly applies to sandstones
How resistant are the cuttings to applied force
General shape of cuttings
Use standard grain size charts, mainly sandstones
Use grain shape & surface chart, mainly sandstones
Use sorting chart, mainly sandstones
Types of cement and matrix
Raw visual determinations only
Glauconite, micas etc, with some qualifier as to abundance
Microfossils, fissures, etc.
See guidelines

Rock name

Color is used as simple diagnostic tool to aid in mineral and environmental determination
and can be used also for correlation.

It is recommended that the color be described when the cuttings are wet, as it will be
much lighter when dry.
It is always better to use a color chart, for example the Rock Color Chart of the
Geological Society of America, but as it is indication dont waste time in analyzing the
subtle shade of the color variation.
If a lithotype is varicolored then describe it as being so, give a dominant color and try to
estimate the percentage of each color. Does it change with depth? Can you tell if the color
are mottled, streaked etc. in nature?
Red Orange

Mineral Indications

Environmental Indications
Ferric oxidized state indicative of
oxygenated environments, e.g. deserts
and river systems.
Light green
Ferrous reduced state indicative of
reducing environment. Greens and
purple reduction spots are found in
parts of Tertiary, Triassic etc.
Bright Green
Chlorite Glauconite is marine sediment and
and Chamosite
maybe a product of fish faeces.
Chlorite and chamosite (an-oxy
chlorite) may be found in sediments
derived from nearby methamorphic
sources or in deeper well as products of
Blue colouration is commonly related
to volcanic origin
Dark grey brown Carbonaceous material Anoxic environment, mainly marine.
black olive black
This allows preservation of organic
material and disseminated pyrite (FeS)
is commonly associated.
Yellow ochre
Limonite covers a range of hydrated
iron oxides and iron hydroxides. It is a
weathering product of all iron
containing minerals.
Check for shows!
Grain Color
(See grain size, shape and sorting)

This category is intended to characterize the degree cementation and/or compaction of the
lithology and how the sample fractures. To determine hardness for each lithotype, you
will need to crush a number of cuttings using a prod or tweezers.
The common adjectives used to describe hardness include:
Grains desaggregate when the sample dry. Not used on clay/shale.
Loose grains can be separated by pressure from the finger.
Grains can be separated with a prod
Grains difficult to detach pressure result in cutting breaking grains.
Very Hard v.hd Individual grains cannot be detached and cutting break through
For clay based lithologies, the following terms can be used:
Very soft
v sft Can be dispersed by water/drilling mud
No shape or strength very easily deformed.
stky Sticks to fingers and prod
plas Easily molded and retains shape, difficult to wash through sieve.
Definite shape and structure, penetrated and broken by prod.
Sharp angular edges, not easily broken by prod. Variously
subdivided as moderately to very hard.
When testing for hardness the fracture or break of the cutting can describe. The break
may be described using the following terms:
crmly Easily crushed into constituent parts.
Breaks into small pieces when fractures.
Conchoidal conch Curved fracture planes such as those seen in flint.
Irregular break with no preferred fracture orientation
Very hard and splinters into sharp pieces when broken.
Cutting shape
Cuttings shape and size are strongly influenced by:
rock type, (mainly used to describe the cutting shape of clay based lithologies)
bit type,
formation pressure vs. hydrostatic mud pressure (e.g. overbalance & underbalance)
If the well is close to balance, hold down force is low and cuttings are freely liberated.
They tend to be bigger and fresher looking when seen at surface. If the cuttings get too
big then the circulation system will not be able to carry them quickly up the hole. They
will tend to become abraded by constant impacts with other cutting and the borehole

If there is overbalance, then cuttings are not freely liberated and they are much smaller.
They may be rolled round on bottom and will have a more rounded and less
fresh appearance. Influences on bit shape are discussed below.
Drilling influence on cuttings shape (bit type and overbalance influence)
Type of bit
No overbalance Slight overbalance
High overbalance
Tri-cone milltooth
is lost
and insert bits
Diamond Bit
(Hard formation)

PDC Bits
PDC platelets)

Shear to brittle
failure leading to
small cuttings where
original rock fabric is
possibly retained or
slightly disrupted
Large ridge or
stepped cuttings.
Each step separated
by a shear fracture.

Shear to brittle failure

leading to small cuttings
where original rock
fabric is possibly
disrupted by shears
Large ridge or stepped
cuttings. Each step
separated by a shear
fracture. Original rock
fabric poorly preserved.

and texture disrupted

Pseudoplastic failure.
Original rock fabric lost and
if high heat is generated at
the bit the sample is
metamorphosed then
useless for evaluation
Smooth or very slightly ridge
cuttings caused by
pseudoplastic failure. Rock
fabric almost totally lost.

Example 1: the PDC platelets

PDC bits produce very characteristic cuttings shapes as shown. In a situation close to
balance, sheared and stepped cuttings are produced. With a situation of overbalance then
a sheared but more uniform cutting is produced. Note that in each case the rock fabric is
severely disrupted by the shearing process. The curved surface may have a smoothed and
polished appearance.
Example 2: Plastic or pseudoplastic failure
This failure is reached after a high pressure is exerted on the rocks. Bit action in extreme
conditions (P & T) can lead to the production of this type of observed textures:
Rock or Bit Flour: Usually soft and lighter colored than normal cuttings. It is soft,
amorphous, and pasty e.g. slightly hydrated if water based mud.
Loose sand grains: for cemented and consolidated sandstones the original sandstone
matrix is ground out and the sand grains are liberated. The original sandstone texture
is destroyed. Also, unconsolidated sandstones can be totally disrupted by jetting
(force of mud through the bit jets) and will result in loose sand grains in samples.
Clasts: from conglomerates and breccias may be released by bit action, which
destroys the matrix. Large clasts will be too large for transportation and will be
broken up. Small pebbles may be transported up the annulus.






Pressure caving

Common, descriptive adjectives used for cuttings shape are:

amor No shape generally due to hydration of
sample, preferred fracture orientation masked
Square, angular appearance with no preferred
fracture orientation
Flat appearance with rounded edges, preferred
fracture plane
sbfiss Flatter and more elongate than platy, not as
sharp edges as fissile, preferred fracture plane
Generally flat and elongate with sharp edges,
marked fracture orientation
press It refers exclusively to cavings (i.e. press.
cav.). Size variable, flat, more elongate than
platy, with typical curved aspect.
The geologist should pay some attention to cutting shape and quality as well as
describing the lithological features.
The corollary of this is that if we know what the bit type is and the lithology, the shape
may give us some indication of overbalanced which will help us with pressure evaluation.
The nature of the cutting shape is also a pore pressure indicator.
Grain Color, Shape & Surface, Size, Sorting
Grain color
When describing sandstones and pebbles you will need to describe not only the color of
the constituent grains and clasts, but also their transparent, translucent or opaque nature.
This will help in mineral identification. Also note any surface discoloration of the grain
or if there is any colored inclusion.

Grain shape & Surface

Grain shape and sphericity give an indication of the
maturity of the sandstone. However, these can be
affected by later mineralisation so that the original
grains are eroded, coated or overgrown.
Any evidence for this needs to be describe as it will
effect grain shape and porosity and permeability

For grain surface description, the common terms used are:


Small holes on surface grains (chemical dissolution or physical impacts).

Iron staining is common but may also be oil staining.
Thick veneer of matrix, cement, fluid (oil) on grain surfaces.
Caused by abrasion on surface (typical aeolian grains).
Mineral overgrowths into void with flat crystal surfaces apparent.

Grain size
Grain size can be easily measured using
one of the many grain size comparison
charts that are available in the
Mudlogging units.
Another simple way to make an estimate
is to have with you a mechanical pencil
of 0.5mm diameter. Quartz is fine
grained if size is lower than the half size
of the lead. Quarter size of the lead
means very fine grains. Under binocular,
v.fine grains are just visible and silts are
barely visible.

Warning, the grain size will also be affected by the mesh size of the shale shakers.
Always be aware of the shaker screen size currently in use. On top hole it is common to
use large mesh size screens, so that cuttings and even fairly coarser sand grains will go
straight through and thus will not be seen in samples. In this case, get desilter or
desander samples to check the relevancy of your description.

Grain sorting
Sorting is also a very good indicator of the
textural maturity of the sandstone and has a
strong influence on porosity & permeability.
As it is difficult to gauge comparative grain
sizes in whole rock samples of cuttings and
core chips it is best to desegregate the sample
to evaluate sorting.
Simply crush a few grains of sandstone in a
spot tray or on a spare metal tray and spread the
grains out so they are one layer thick. Ensure
you are not looking at well-sorted laminations
of different grain sizes.
Cementation & matrix
The most common cements are:
Calcite (CaCO3)
Dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2
Silica (SiO2)

Siderite (FeCO3)
Pyrite (FeS2)

Will react strongly with dilute (10%) hydrochloric acid. The

cutting should disintegrate into constituent grains as cement
is dissolved. Note crystal size if visible.
Has slower reaction with 10% hydrochloric acid, quicker
with 30%. Calcimetry will give you indications.
Cement but may grow in optical continuity with quartz
grains (overgrowth) and can be difficult to spot. Look for
residual surfaces, flat crystal surfaces in Qtz grains. Assume
silica cement if no reaction with acid
Dull yellow brown and white, will react slowly with
application of acid. Relatively rare as cement.
Bright yellow gold and metallic, but relatively rare.

The most common matrix material in sandstone is silt and/or argillaceous material.
Kaolinite is also common and generally appears as a soft to firm and white clayey
material, but should be reported as cement. It is often a byproduct of feldspar leaching.
Note also that kaolinite cement can become separated from the sand grains, especially
when drilling with PDCs or in an overbalanced situation and can produced an
undistinguishable rock flour.

Porosity and permeability in drilled cuttings are difficult to evaluate and are determined,
at best, only very subjectively. Take a good look at number of samples and cuttings and
see how well they are cemented or if there is a common matrix. Sorting also affects
porosity and should be evaluated first, as it may be a porosity indicator.
TEST: select pieces and let them dry out, porosity may then be estimated by placing a
drop of water on a dried cutting while viewing through the microscope.
The speed at which the water is absorbed by the cutting will help in subjectively
evaluating porosity and permeability. This test is useless with Oil base mud, in this case
estimate of porosity will be only visual.
The scale of estimate is as follows:
If possible, the evaluation of porosity should include
the type of porosity (e.g. intergranular, vuggy, pinpoint, etc).




Accessory Minerals & unusual features

Common accessory minerals are:

Mica (Micromica)

Carbonaceous Mat.


Dark green green black, generally

rounded grains especially if recycled. In
situ (amorphous shapes) it indicates a shelf
marine environment
Gold color, may be disseminated, small
nodules or crystalline fragments
Mic (mmic) Mica flakes are common in sandstone
whilst small mica fragments (micromica)
are common in finer clastic rocks.
Chlorite is also common and is distinctive
green colour.
Carb mat
Dark black specks. In cores this may
include layers of carbonaceous material,
rootlets and plant debris.
White clayey material, found as cement
and as decomposed feldspar grains.
Brittle, black coal layers may be observed
in cores, lignite is softer and brown and his
ligneous cell arrangement is in place
Yellow brown or dark brown pellets.

Fossil material can be described as accessories.

In marine sediments, macrofossil fragments are fairly common but it is generally difficult
to identify the origin, but you are normally able to distinguish shell fragments.
Microfossils can be very common. With a good microscope, many can be identified. Give
them a general name, (i.e. benthic or pelagic forams), and dont spend hours on
microfossils for clastics rocks, if necessary, the samples will be subject to analysis after
the well.

Hydrocarbon shows
This section will be detailed apart.
Last advice

The most difficult job for the cutting description is to identify and select the
lithotypes, i.e. the constant cutting facies, which represents the facies variation of
your formations. We know by experience the nearby limit of our geological and
sedimentological expertise at the wellsite.
Nevertheless we are all able to describe simple things, such sands, shales and for
gradational facies describe how is the evolution. We are also all, able to report the
presence and the frequency of very interesting environmental markers such as
carbonaceous material, bioclasts, color change, grain size, sorting, grain shape,
accessory minerals, etc
A good sand / shale percentage ratio, well described as per guidelines, is always
better than a complete, pseudoscientific and nebulous lithological description
involving 4 or more lithotypes.
So the best advice will be:
Be simple in your general lithotype selection, but very accurate and detailed
in their description.
Dont spend ages deciding on exact percentages. It is not an exact science and the
amounts of each lithotypes are only relative.
Do a not use As Above (A/A) more than three time or so before doing another
full description. It is easy to miss subtle changes by doing this. Ideally every
sample should be described, but practically this is impossible.
Never let the backlog of sample accumulate, not only is it difficult to catch up but
the Mudloggers get short of trays. Always describe samples on the metal trays.
Cutting samples are collected wet from the shale shaker. Samples should be
described whilst still wet and should not be left to dry out or re-hydrated with
water. Put samples in plastic bags or at least cover them up, if it is to be sometime
before they are described. However, the texture of certain formation types can be
seen more clearly when dry, so occasionally keep a portion of sample for later, dry
Get the Mudloggers to have representative samples of all potential mud additives
that may be used in the well. If you think there is contamination from drilling
fluid additives then check with your reference set. Remember that these products
may change after being subjected to the pressures and temperatures of the drilling.

Cement contamination is usually encountered when drilling after Casing or while
sidetracking. Common confusion is with Siltstone. You can easily identify cement by
testing with phenopthalein, in which cement stains purple. Then get in your eyes the
cement cutting appearance (worn, rounded) and proceed to the percentage estimate.

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