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Andrea Casillas

English 100
Watts Research
1. Web Source
Title of Page: Watts Riot Begins
Title of Website: This Day in History
Sponsor/Publisher: History Channel
Copyright/Last Updated: September 2013
Access Date: October 16, 2014
Medium: Web
Web Address:
-Personal Journal: First of all why did the cops pull someone over just because they suspected
someone drinking and driving?! Suspecting!?! Are you serious!? It definitely doesn't make the
issue better for the fact that they were white policemen pulling over a black man. Talk about
discrimination!!! I'm not surprised there was a riot over this.
-Journal: So two white policemen decided to pullover a black man that was suspected of drinking
and driving. While the man was being arrested, a group of people gathered and watched the
policemen do so. After his happened, a riot broke out because they believed this was another
incident of racially motivated abuse by the police. This riot lasted 5 days and left 34 people dead,
1,032 injured, and nearly 4,000 arrested.

2. Web Source

Title of Page: Watts Rebellion( Los Angeles, 1965)

Title of Website: Martin Luther King, Jr and the Global Freedom Struggle
Sponsor/Publisher: Branch
Copyright/ Last Updated: 2006
Access Date: October 17,2014
Medium: Web
Web Address:
-Personal Journal: This article is basically the second part to the first one I did research on. Why
did these black people that started the riot start hurting innocent white people? I mean I know
they were upset about what the police had done, but that doesn't give them the right to hurt
innocent people.
-Journal: It's amazing that King came into this whole incident. He came to calm down both sides
of the riot. King had told the reporter that the riots were the beginning of a stirring of those
people in our society who have been by passed by the progress of the past decade. King then
recommended that president Johnson roll out a federal anti-poverty program in Los Angeles after
supporting those that live in the ghetto.

3. Article
Title of Article: Rena Price Dies at 97,Her and Son's Arrests Sparked Watts Riots
Author: Eliane Woo
Volume and Issue: Vol. 275 Issue 11

Date: June 22,2013

Page(s): 6
Name of Database: Academic Search Premier
-Personal Journal: After reading this, I am in complete shock. How can an officer beat a man
with his mother right in front of him!? That's the last thing a mother wants to see. I'm glad she
got crazy on the policeman and ripped his shirt. He deserved it!
-Journal: Price, the mother of Frye, overheard that her son was pulled over for drunk driving. She
was told that her son had failed a series of drunk tests but managed to have a sense of humor the
whole time the tests were being done. The officers claimed that he stopped being cooperative
once his mother Price had arrived. The officers then hit Frye on the head with a baton and his
mother quickly reacted by jumping on the officer and ripping his shirt.

4. Article
Title of Article: Watts Riots, 40 Years Later
Author: Valerie Reitman and Mitchell Landsberg
Volume and Issue: Vol. 20 Issue
Page(s): 171-172
Name of Database: Academic Search Premier
-Personal Journal: It's true. 40 years later, and the divisions are still there. The divisions that
people have made based on what color we have on our skin. The divisions that should have never
been made. The divisions that God didn't want us to make, The divisions that Martin Luther
King Jr. tried to stop, it's still there. Perhaps, 40 years later, it will still be there.

-Journal: Based on the article, this division that was around 40 years ago, is still here today. To
many people, the riot that began on August 11, 1965 stayed a riot, but to others, it was an
uprising. To this day, people still face these events firsthand.

5.Scholarly Source
Author/Editor of Book: Abu-Lughod,
Title of Book: Race, Space, and Riots in Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles
Place of Publication: Oxford Univ
Publisher: Janet L.
Date of Publication: 2012
Call Number: N/A
-Personal Journal: Reading this made me realize all the racial tension people have against each
other. Why though? Why do we have to hate each other because of the color of our skin. We are
all peanuts. What does that mean? No matter if your peanut is cracked, black, white, dirty clean,
what happens when you open it? What do you get? A peanut right? We are all peanuts! We are
all humans! There should be no racial tension between the children of God!!!!!
-Journal: The uprising of 1992 did nothing to help the neighborhoods that were burned. The
cities did nothing help restore them. On the other hand, the white neighborhood were in tip top
shape. The black neighborhoods were the last thing the people worried about. This was yet again
another racial tension that was occurring,

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