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The idea that most interested me was that if we had not bombed dresden we might not

have won the war. Because dresden was a city that was seen as a refuge for soldiers there
were many in dresden that were not fighting in the war anymore.What this idea was saying is
that hitler was a very powerful speaker and could have convinced the soldiers in dresden to
continue fighting him which would have strengthened his forces. So if we had not bombed
dresden the outcome might have been the complete opposite of what the outcome really was.
Before this was brought up i thought that the bombing of dresden was just this terrible thing that
should have never happened. I still think that it was a horrible thing but now i can't help but think
that it is a good thing that it did because if it didn't happen my life might have been totally
A connection that I had was between this seminar and the AQotWF seminar. In the
AQotWF seminar we talked about how war was publicized as this very honorable thing and this
good thing yet it wasnt. In this seminar we talked about the effects that war had on people and
how in the book billy pilgrim was stuck in time and it was brought up that this was caused by
the war.

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