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Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationa

Subjective: Ineffective airway Short Term Independent: - Changes in vit

clearance related to may indicate acu
“Apat na araw na increased mucus Objectives: - Assessed/monitored vital or discomfort
siyang Inuubo” as production as signs
verbalized by the After 8 hours of duty - Improves circu
evidence by
patient’s mother/ and appropriate - Provided additional reduces muscle
coughing, dyspnea,
nursing care comfort measures like and anxiety asso
weakness, and lack
Objective: interventions, the backrub, heat/cold with pain. Enhan
of sleep.
patient will be able to application being
- Cough demonstrate behavior
to achieve airway - Assisted patient with deep - Deep breathing
- dyspnea breathing exercises
clearance and will facilitates maxim
- Patient appears have an improved expansion of the
weak. condition lungs/smaller ai
- Administer medications
- Patient looks to be - To relieve cou
as prescribed
lacking sleep. relaxes bronchia
Bronchodilator, etc.)

Generic Name Indication Action Contraindication Precaution/Adv
Carbocisteine Acute/chronic Reduces the viscosity Active peptic ulcer. PRECAUTION:
disorders of the upper of bronchial Hypersensitivity to
BRAND NAME & lower respiratory secretions & facilitate carbocisteine. Hx of peptic ulcer
tract associated with expectoration hypothyroidism
the secretion &
DOSAGE formation of
excessive and viscid
Capsule: mucus Nausea, headache
vomiting, anorexi
Adult: 250mg 2 caps,
gastric discomfort
500mg 1 cap TID
diarrhea, GI bleed
Adult – 15ml;
Pedia: 6-12yrs: 5ml,
2-5 yrs: 1.25-2.5 ml
6-12yrs: 10ml
2-5 yrs: 2.5ml
12-24mos: 1.25ml, 9-
11mos: 1ml, 6-8mos:
0.75ml, 3-5mos: .
50ml, <3mos: 0.25ml
All doses 3-4x/ day

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