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Japan is an island nation which its capital is Tokyo. Japan is located in the East Asia on the
Pacific Ocean. Japanese is the main language in Japan, but Ainu is also a language spoken
there. The kind of government Japan has is the Constitutional Monarchy.

Panda bears, albino tigers and hammerhead sharks are some wild animals grown in Japan.
But there are some domestic animals raised in Japan too. Those are cattle, cats and dogs.
Some Japanese animals became famous as Hachik, also known as Hatchi because of the
movie Hatchi: A dogs tale.

Lots of activities are practiced by tourists in Japan. Camping, skiing, snorkeling and more
activities are practiced there.
And as we are talking about Japan, I could not finish without talking about sushi. Sushi is a
Japanese food, it is prepared with cooked vinegared rice, sugar, salt, commonly with
seafood and other ingredients. Sushi was first made in Southeast Asia and it has been
evolving until it become into the delicious food we all know.

Japans way of greeting.
You had better bow when you meet someone for the first time in Japan, because shaking
hands in Japan it is considered rude. It is a custom, so try to be respectful and enjoy trying

There are some table manners you should know if you are going to a
dinner party in Japan
- You are not supposed to drink as soon as you receive your glass, that is inappropriate.
You have to wait until someone lifts his glass up and says "Kampai", which means
- You will see a pair of little that are used for eating, those are known as Chopsticks. But
if you do not know how to use them you can ask for a fork, knife or spoon.
- Also you will see a small wet cloth used for cleaning your hands before eating so do not
forget to use it unless you want to be thought as someone dirty.

You wont use your dirty shoes in a house.

- When someone invites you to his home, be considerate and take off your shoes at the
threshold in the entrance of the house. This is for keeping the floor clean.

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