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HaSLLVHS-NON worrioniy JAPANESE J ANHETTON Os Z. WOr. moHNTCAL REPORTS a RLPORT No.6 (sucoup rasyr isn 1948 sso TT TON FO EIELED (GRENADET DISCHARGER, sYEE 189 GENERAL Sige the segue of he tinge Report on ammunition tor-th own, Fifled grenade discharesr Dype #90", considerable andi ‘Sonat’ saformation has teen Tesstved anda Sosond Tocue is ther fore being made, foming a complete Roport on the anmunition for ids Soom. Disdhareer 2, Th will be useful, before desortbing the ammunition, to tivo a brief description of the Dieoharger, a photograph of which {ovahown et Plate Cr The main dimensions Sf the Disenarger azei= Bore ++ 50cm. Nominal (actual adasivonant 1:97-ins.) Rifling ++ 8 grooves ~ right handed. Length of barrel. 10-ins. overali length «| 8.8-ine. S. © Mhe Digsherger ie fired by hand, by mekne’of @ short Lan yard (or thong) attached tos Lever whigh ocks and fires in ons downward operation, (Trip action firing mecbanian) « 4 There 19 no mechanioal elevation, the Discharger boing held bY hand gt soma. fixed elevation ond the different ranges for each charge, are obtained by altering the chaaber capacity. This 16 attnined by means of 4 moveable stedcor barrel which is traversed lip or down’ the bore by an external thumb gorew operating on an vernal rack. The striker barrel, therefore, gots ass stop fc the holt and ‘agooraing £0 ite position allows it either Just to enter the barrel, giving « large chanber capacity amd low range, o2 to travel to the bovtdn of the barrel, ginidg A small chamber cupseity and long Penge. 5. ‘The range scales are dn Arab1e figures engraved on une Shank of the Discharger and read against a part of the firing Beotisnien which moves with the striker. 6. the exterior of the berrel 1s tapered, the section thicken- She at the vreseh oud to compensate for tie toreased pressure. + The base plate is 6 segment of a cylinder (approxinately 2 Scine: x Shine.) conone about. the major axte ant fixture to he Digonargers Tt lo Used. aa a apede to support the Dischareer vite firings Tt ie Bolioved that tt oan Supported. on Ene tnleh of" ypor citer but in, thls posit lon owing forthe vox ivy Toooil 18.6 douvesul whether it could be. supported without ‘Sonn aposial, peg ox senor azrangensnt to protece the Firar vnen bing eas ebeii.. Altioueh the sungo soale on the Disoheresr ie Bradtigved’ ror fiving ype ‘91 erenadoe und theres. {tte doubtful Sthother ourront practice 10 to use eneaades Tron this Discharger = See Gei.Amns Teoknioal Report No.8. 8, ‘The interesting feature of this rifled Discharger is that Gi is mugale Loaded, the naxinun dismoter of the ariving band Doing leas than the disuetor of the Lands of the bore. on firing, however, spin is imparted to the projectile sinilar to a snail howitue? shell, This 4e attained somowhat ingeniously by having a propellant oosteiner of the sano Giamotor ag tho sholl gcrewed Unto the ‘base of the shell. Round this propellant container 15 copper driving Send, On ignition of tho propoliant oharge the driving band te, forged out into the rifling by the propellant have and also dy Feeteup' onysed by tho explosion of the propol- Tant. charges thly urvititenenf' Will pe. clear fron Plate Ay 2. Tange Soates. there are two sunge ‘sotles,cone graduated Hon 120 E80 netEse Zor 2. shell ani tho other fam, 40 to L0G" uetzoe for the Type V0 Gronsdes ent flares = soe Plate Cr 10, Aogording ‘td information now avatlable thore are five Giftoront types Of projectile for uso with this Disonareer. A briet desoription of these is, for convenience, being included tn oe HE. shold ype t69 LL: Tas da the standard anti-personnel proseotite and is vory dioly uscd. “Large numbers of those have Deea Tecsived fron tine to. tine et Kinxes for oritioal oximination.. it has been possible igo to oszy out firing trials and static frumontation trials dotatis “of whieh are fully detailed Lster in thie Mepert. Snoke Sholl Type 195 42s This projectile is fitted with @ Tine Fuze, Type 169 (onai1), the fazed siul) wotzning ubout 1.J-tbe. in deeten and aetion it te sonomhat siniler to the HE. Sheil ‘Typo 159 but $Unotions on the base ojection prinoipic, The following are the main digforonces fram the kk. shel) != (a) ‘The base adapter is a prose fit and ts séoured in the Douiy ofthe shell by fou? soreved shear pias to allow the sok Rixture oonteinor to be expelled fron the base.” The propelé Hage "Goptelsen ie sorewed onto the aaupter ataiiar te the (b)_ The fend 42 sorewed onto the body just behind the bourrelet to faciiitate tho assenbly of the sndke container anf burst= ing ohares (c) The enoke mixture, about 8.7-028. of H.0.R+ sonposition, to resr r rout 3 Ne is is cdatained in @ container vhicn is fastened by means 0) a peal Hageh'or wire to e corper cup Noused in the base adapter reat aoe Skction of tne anoue container this copper cup acts as or eaeeese” ot ruduce the temainal velostty ef the snake Sontainor- that (a) ‘The shell se painted black with tro white bands, 5/16-in. 1 wide one just below the bourrelet and the other above the tring, Base adapter. a vine a wed 1s. one of these shell has been received in Kirke and no ae ASsorts of their use in the Burma theatre have been reosived. : >pel- Incendiary Shell (Grenade 34. This 4a reported to have @ cylindrical sheet metal body Las aining about Tef-oua, of a incendiary mixture, ‘This mixtare ated {o'reported to consist of:- 4 Fotasstua Nitrate luzintun Surpnan . Antimony ‘risulphide A ox sdan ‘this proJectite has no driving band or vanes and 1g therefore not Fase Pree kuring flignes “fhe Pengo is probably of the order 07 Seebsies a the flising of the grenade 1s ignited by the flash from the propellant E5308 ‘eine 15, There is also report of a sinilar projectile being used sible ARien 4g Filled with a anoke composition of the H.O.5. type Practive shell, Type 194 16. ‘The sholl has the sane shape, dimensions and veteht ae 285 wap. Shell) Type 109 and 19 presumably used only for 4r3i1 p tes savP'ghe fuze is formed, integral with tho heed of the prodest 2+ and Beers smesle do painted blace ond the usual red filling band = the Junstion of the fuze and suell is omitted. the 7 sO-am. Flares » oa sok 17. MNunerous natures of flares are also fired fron this Dis- ropel= Legere Mike faze are not fitted with a driving band oF vanes the charger uccore net stabilized during ‘ligt. | Vartoas combi~ ane sore the trare colours are used and gone are fitted with pare 1 sae eee “ey will be deseribea fully in a later Report. wzrolet barat SHELL, Hobs, SO-mp., TYPE 199 ton, DEBOUEPEION ELL 1a. The details of construction, method of asgembly and ABtasas of somponente are shown in the drawing at Plate A- 4 19. the overall longth of a fused shell 1s § S/4-ins. with a Gigneter Of Leaving. over tho paraiiel portion of tho body aad 2. 1.Ge-ing. over the bourselet.. he complete sell consists of wi three sections: (2) Boy, (42) Base’ adapter, ane (ii) Propelting «fesonviont. Body (G)+ this 1s nado of stocd ond hay a bourrelet about win. velow the nose. ‘Tho nose. 1s soreu-throaded Internally to form a/20-nm. Left hand threaded fuze hole. ‘The shell #1408, about S-oze. of T.N.t., houses at the top an aluniniun or copper Flanged cup’ (1) te foccive the fuze gaine and et the base ites screw AC threaded to receive the base adapter (4) + 26. the 21. Base adapter (aj. quis ts mado of steel and has an inne hot Cotoave surface ERATE iy Fitted a pre-pressel ther peliess he The general construction of the sdapter will te clear fren the hol drawing in Plate hk ese : ‘ep Dis 22. Propolding ettecmcnt. this consist of: als (1), A propellant container cup (8) of copper, holding 40-ers. oo apa a te rer tabeoF the fond ofa slat Us ‘The cup is closed by & copper 11d (6) fietine into the mouth of the. container cup (8). Ia the base of tho propellant container cup ts a perforation to accommodate 4 brass. per= sussion cap holder (3). tas kn (20 Abrass poreuseion oap holder (9). This 12 in the form of So a Spriner notaing't Spee eT ob. the pave oF che and holder is shaped to fom an anvil and oap chanber. ‘The cap are chanber takes'a Gerdan type of Drasa percussion oap similar ay in construction to that uscd in Japenese Tih.k. sartriaces ‘The holder (9) Ls a prose rit in the propellant container cup (8) and ts Pingity gecured in position by the propellant assembly holder (10). This arranged: will be clear #rom the enlarged dotails in Plate he (411) Propetient eeconbly holder (201. Tis to a steel cup na PRBHSEE Reres ooaeine iz tae vor eqdl-spases rouse, che circumference of the holder (8). Externally the holder (10) is shaped to receive the copper driving bant (5) whlch tits Over the eieht holes and is 4 close fi in the groove of the holder, tis seoured in position by five angi-rotation to steol pine. Unier the driving band and fitting Lightly over ata the holes is a tintoll strip to prevent ingress of moisture he Through holes. "The base of the holder (10) has eignt equi- Bes Gistant holes round the perimeter 0.2-in. in dianoter. sp: ‘There ie "alo a contral hole O-108-in, in dianoter to allow bur the firing pin of the Disehargsr. to roach tho percuasion cap, Fit ‘The base is’ coverod by a thin ghollucked papor disc to. pre— br Yent “the ingroce of moisture to the propoliant ani per , fe Guesion gap. Internally. the holder {10} 1s hollow to accome * spi Bodate the propellant container cup (3) and 1s sorew-threaded =D ft the mouth to serew onto the base adapter (4). These a Gstalie of constuction will be clear trom Plats A. fn 28. Alternatively, the shell body may be dividea into trio parts = Toiming the head and body as show: in tho Grawing at Plate Ae te: ‘th a and t about yt 0B "ES eorew sane bears. a. noth ant pore 5 24, ALL steel portions of the shell are rust-proofea internally wiih @ dark purple lacquer and threads nave been Found usually Hienely sneared with grea 2. PLing. 411 shell examined have been found with » £1114) of Grade TTallet. “The base adapter 1s fillea with s pellet of 3.) 1. pre-pressed to'shape. ‘The main filling of Tats. 48 stemmed ints tho shell fron tho base. lo explode? ta used and inteistion is Girect fron fuze gsine, nevertheless good Tregnestation 1s cbtaine ~ seo Plates ® ana Te ACTION 26. on firing, the striker in the Digcharger initiates the cap, tho flach fron whlch passes via the booste: change. in the cap holder (9) to the propellant’ (7). The propellent guseo then ruptare the copper cup (6) and pass through the holes in the wall of the holder’ (10) "to force tne ariving band into the T4fling and also Seoape through holes Sn the tage to propel the. shell fo « renee Gepondoat en the position of the strixer barrel in the bore of the Discharger. The Sealing of tho driving bana in the Discharger ie alto assisted by sot-baok ae the boty of the anell is propelied Holontly forward by the eases, HUE, PEROUSSTON, Did, TYPE 160 (SLL), 20—mm. BEL PY. This ie @ direct action nose fuse vith left hand sorew thfouds te fe the 20-mm. fugh hole of the shell. So far a2 ie knoun this fuze 1s used in ?0-an, 1) Year Type nortar-sacke ahe2) ar’ Sonetines adapted for booby traps. ‘The detalle of ‘the conponents nd the general construction of the fuze is clesrly shown in the Grawing at Plate 'S. For purposes of description the fue say be aivided into thoee main parte: (2) Brags body, upper hae (1) contadning the striver (44) Brags body, lower half (10) to which te fitted the nine (145. (444) Gains (24) holding the'mate T11ing and detonator holder (12) ‘the body upper half 1s centrally bored to varying almneters to take the striker comprising a brass striker head (2), a steel striker (24) anda slovted stviker sleeve (08). Under the striker head and Dearing on g drags sliding pisce (5) is the upper spring (3). Below the brass siding piece () 4a the lower spring (8), Both the springs tend to force the striker out of the upper Ralf of the body’ but are prevented ‘rom doing so ty the flange oh the striker neat (2) Fitting tound the slotted strizer sleevo (28) and resting on the brass silding piece (5) 1s a brass sotuack ferrule (4). The setback Terrure (4) at its lower end surrounds a oupro-niskel stirrup Spring (7), the mouth of the setback ferrule 4) resting on the prongs Of @ stirsup spring (7), imediately Uolow the slotted Striker aleave (28), proventing sta dowmiar’ movement. (and that of the striker (ZA) '),'are four brass coatrifupal sogaonts (8) which are held under the striker sleove (28) by tho barrel of the stixrup spring (1). ‘The lower half of the body sorews onto the upper half thas forming a housing for the striker mechanisn, A mild steel sarety Terk (9) passes through holes in the lower vody and prevents any 6 appreciable dowavard movenont of the sattaok ferrule (4) end thus Prevents the fuze from arming. At ita lover end the body (10), {o"serew-threaded oftemnally with a left-handed thread to sovew Into the shell.” It is centrally perforated to provide a paseare for the strike? (24) and screv-thrended inteznally to take the gaine (24) 28. Tho mothod of Filling of the gaine will ve clear trom Plate B. The mouth ig olosed by a sorewed detonator holder (22) in which is titted « detonator secured by turning over, Note thet a sonewhat complicates mathou of filling ie used in this gaine. Tt is possible, hovever, that different mathode of filling fare used and a more sinplified acthod of gaine filling. 4s ased ae in the elight delay nd grave action fuse Type 18°(24-mn. fuze Role}, seo Plate Din Technical Report Ne.34. 28. Rough tests were carried out to determine the pressare Fequired for the ferrule (4) to be pushed dack over the stizra) spring (7)." TU wus found that the Losd required wae of the order of 12 to Lé-abs. 30. Safety Dovioes. The fuze incorporates three safety devions:= (a) A satety fork (9] which duting hendl ing and tranepart secures the setback Torrule (4) and prevents 4t from Ti€ing over the ‘stirrup spring (7) to am the fuze in case of fall or severe jolt to the round. (v) Four centrifuga? sognonte (5) which tit rount the Lower striker spring (6) and are seated inaide tho stizrup pring (7) to prevent any appreciable dovavara ovement of the striker {zh}. Tala 1s effested by the brave slotted striker sleeve (28) of the striker (2h) bearing on these segments. (o}, Two steel springs which prevent any inward movenent of the" striker onto the detonator which might be caused by a slignt oheok during £)iene. AgTION 81. Before louding, the safety fork (9) 1s removed. on dis. charge, the setback ferrule (4) sets back over the sedsrup opring(?) compress ine tho three. spring projections end locking itaelt Sy Beans of tess projections. to the stirrup apring (7). At the sane Tine, by means GF Uke alsusng piece (5), the tower aprine (6) 2 composted ty the ferrule (4) Betting back. After initial setback, Sep aceeteration ccreasen, the sutvbage fertile (A) aud stherap spring (7) move forward tousther unger foree of the spring, freelns the brass seenente (0) whieh fly outwards owing to’ centrifugal Torco. Me gtrizer is then held off the detonator only by Ehe springs and funovions normally on impact” PACKING wD tynsroRT RAGING 52. 4 number of Uiffezent aothoda of packing have buen reported ‘and found.” “typicat packing of vshell Foceived at Kiskee 1a shown in Plate b. Pup omer at of ved of aby a ais- spring”) by 3} ie sotbnok, Herp Eeoclee, sal ite reported hows ’ (a) A wooden case holding 20 plurged held each contained in gn anbleachoa brown paper -nvelopa-which had boon treated with tar to render it waterproof. Pive shell each ins Paper euvolopo, together vith five fuzea, ach ina ehaned plate contelne:, are packed in butwoen a pair of shaped woolen packing trays.” four of theae trays-are. placed hori- Zentelly, tuo in etch of the tuo sonparenenta tkelss the Suse.” Tho case te either painted yellowian green of left apainted snd bears bisek Stensilled markings on the sidee asia Plate D. "These markings are unfortunately upside Gown as the botton of the case haa been opened intend of the top owing to the construction of both being. the sane ‘The patiing tray also abscures the aareings indenting the fhunber of shell and fugas pocked. a free translation of the markings ts "20 ahell With fuzes for Ove. type 189 Grenade Discharger". A cour Wotten at each ond Le pro. vided nich neve as'a Lifting handle» “A printed label ta Sonetines found pasted on the anlerside of the Lid. the Wood used was unsesuonel ond vie cara with its packing Dieses appeared, seoording to our stundanie, to'be. insuffi- ciently robust to withstera sough handling during transit (b) Another method of paoking appears to be 4 copy of ‘the ‘American system. Two plugesd ‘hell are peoked an 8 rolled paper agphelt inprecnated cylinder. “Tho shell are held Nsnug? in the container by kooden packing pieces. ‘the ends of the contiiner are prosted mata sheot with embossed Barkings Indloating the nature 9° the contents ete. The container 1s eonctrusted Tom three layore of paper, the Cuter and inner layers are ap:2ialiy wound and” impregnated With pitch and q waxy matter rospoctively: ‘The paper used is 0,012-in. thick nanufactured tron reed en wood pulp. ‘The two Tuzes for the shell ero naoked separately An a tinned plate conteiner, each fuze being wrapped in a blue waxed pap:r seeured by'a pitoe of string, Betails of this hiethed ‘of packing are siiotn clerriy in the photograph at Plate D. {fen of thece containers ars uidevatood to be packed in case together with ton uylinders each contsining ‘The linensions er this packing cave are Teper ted tobe 27bcins. x 1yina. x Sind. (co), Auother mothod of packing recuived at Kirke is q card- doart contains: holaing ona paved shell with one fuze wrapped ina piece of blue wez2d paper secured by a piece of string. “the econscruction 0: his container 16 of" relied Peper throughout coaved with a wary patter. The paper base iss rigs and wood pulp. Woode.) parking pieces Noll the shel) fang fuze snugly in the cardbou~a container. ‘These details #11 be olesr fron the paotarraph a Plate D. ‘Twenty con teiners nach holding oan plugged anell and one faze abe packed in a wosdan sage with Jour conpartmonts, five in each Sompartuont.” ‘The dimensions of the ease ave ei-ine. Yering. «8 8/4nihs. \dibfon to the above meitors of packing which have been examined ut Eirces the Zollowiig metoes nave also buon Feporteds= (a) & wooden oae holding 40 plugisd shell designed stor carriage on a pack horse, Wooden paoting. pieces in the ease form four Fount unite eacn sole together wittt S/acin. taps. The four round unica are held in place inside the 8 case ty metal brackets which allow their withdrawal tro GRee ELoMeithoue aisturbing ether unite. “The hinged Lia fhe oevidea with a canvas cover with en overhanging rin ll AEE the dincnsiong of the case are reported, to be goad; TM (nse iig-ine. and the filled weight 1s about Toa-iba, (b) 4 tive rount unit a a wooden pacing tray yhich Se jwmapped. invan_asphalt impregnated paper container. The Wrepeee Pyacking these ina wooden ease is not known, Tt Me prebabay on the same Lines as Se (a) above. (0) Bulk Ssoue of fuzes is reported to be in @ wooden case nofding 160° fuses. although the report doe9 not say so 1b noldsoGuned thet cach fuze is packed ine, tinned plate de Preset ene dinenaione of the case are seported to be SPAMS ine a ieeins. x4 1/4eins. and the filled woicht {a about 2o-1be- 350 ‘st, ‘Transport on the man 1s in pouches slung on @ leather strep A. thoTmouior oF on the belt by means of a oop at the back of Ser ene to. types of pouches have been exanined at Kinkos ant Gotella axe shown in Plate C. MOTALLUEG ICAL ANALYSIS (anape SPR at acct, tonepore) 55. ‘Three shell were examined. Snell Wo.l. Yellow painted band on mid-body, red tip on hed. Shell stamped loce. 1940). shell No.2. Golour mareings 5 shell No.2. Shell stanped (oot. 1940). suet 40.5. White painted band above driving band, yellow ‘juiabed'bend at shoulder end red tip on hosd « shell stanped (Gan: 1988). 56. ALL the three shell were Identical in shape and externa) 38s atotth a RSsonbied dinenaions but, in respect of construction, ae meer T differed tvom No.2 ant No.9 in the Deco of the cavity pee Meson fomed invegral with the body and Doing {itted with, having beend whereas Nos? and No.3 had a sorewed plug forming, the: orewed Meas cvity end. the hesd integral with the body, Ta sit the base of tit fhe tase onto which the driving band is fitted, woe a Separate ssotion. a7, the resulte of examination wore: As Shell Bodios. (2) Shela Most aan tt LAP. three sections of the shell have beon machined trom the solid. "ca (s) oad = in all Anaiysis:- carton ++ 0256 spout Heneonose 11 Sten X nilgping’stenont'~ Graces eaty. usta steot. a Hardnesas~ 187 V.Patt (©) Body unin:~ te Anslysie:= carbon + 9.88 cD Wenesnese 1) O18 Se nestor 1) feo te Giremien tea Other etioving éieaeita’> trnoae onty Hardness: Prom murtace’ of Yody to axte of shell Hie, “diay 308, ary ee - cexap . Tensile (Tenscawter test = long test piece from git Shevtnin wall) Yjola street. 26.0 tons/ag. tne Ut eenaiis serenth Galo f3na/ogs I: Biongabion Barog Fosuseion of area 1! $3.08 Note: ay have been machined tram finteh ood dvawa ‘OF normal ised bar. aoe (0) Bases ve analysis: Garbo we 908 Taran 2 cna 7 NNGpine etencats -""ereosa omiy- — Plain carbon steel. cae Herinese:~ 278 WP Note:~ Heat-treated. (44) Shera t0.2 jody Tias been hollow forged. The screwed plug at bas: ANgaHRg. bese Have been machined fron the Solsa une heat= (a) Boay Main:~ Analysie:~ carton 0.30% Manganese Orr Alloying elenents "2 traces only. Mild eteel. Hardnsss:- Fron surface to axis uniform at 159/142 Wib.lte machined ‘Tensile (Tensometer test piece trom wall). "Yiela strength 17.0 tons/eq. ia, ULt. tensile strengiti 29:0 tons/eq: Ing Blongation 550g Reauetion of arca 08 20 (b) Screwed plug forming base of cavit Analysis:- Garbon we 088 Menganose oes 3 ‘Tangsten on or Chromium Tote funy Hhoeel not Hardness:- 259, 240 V.Pill (0) Bess Bese ciuar in composition and hardness to basa of shell = 9+ Novi at (1) (2) above. (545) sheit_to.5, SRT TSS, ype of construction as, shell No.2 but in this casenall ths’thvec seotions have decn machined from the solids (a) Boggs Analysie:- carbon se 0.286 Manganese Sots ‘Tungeven nan . Chron tun 01286 Sther alloying elesents = traces oni. Hardnese:- Uniform from outeide to shel) axis at 100 V.Pae Tousile:- Yield strength =. 25 tons/say, in a0. Tt. tensile strength 28.8 tona/sq. in. Hlosestion are d Heduction of arca,: 50.08 iote:- Apparently machined from nomslised bar. (v) Serewed plug forming base of cavity. Similar in cBapSsivion and Raxdnoss to ahell Ho.2- (c) Bases Gintler in composition to. base-on’ shell Wos-1 end 2 put showed aonewnae Bieter Hardness, 325 By Driving Bands ots In the cases of all the three shell, the driving bands a. have neon nade fron solid drawn copper tube of 99.98% purity. ii ‘the propellant container in cack case nag been pressed ths fron seninvort copper sheet also of 99.058 purity. wos ‘The .0018" thick foil covering the holes in the dase of each Tn: shell naa'boon made of pure tin as Es co. Binten Bu ‘The finish of all the three shell was exesilent. 42, 50; Comparing the three shell it may be noted that while the v61 Sei, main or the aioll of 1898 and 1940 nakes have besa machined th tots Bie soli fer eonteining Low tungsten, the mild steel body a 4s > shel 1 this 1 tho jaar in, ber, Lane 2 5 bends ve pase 26 of cach sie. the ehined ‘body a of sholl of 1941 make has been forged. The use of mild steel for the tody is probably adequately suited to the desten and Pinetioning requirenents of the shell. cuBETORL, Mayers (onset Taspootar GP HITE PSH ootven, Ktrkee) 8. shen, Shell filing ++ Tat Grade I (3,P. 00%) Propellant’ charge ««.-MaC. + Volatile matter 97.96) DPA. 2.8 (Square rakes size Os0S-ins x 0,03-4n: x or004~ta. “thiek) Teniter charge (9) + Gunpowder - Approx. G.20. wiantity insugfiotent for Quintitative determination. Cap composition (9h) -. Composition of Mercury Fuininate, Antinony Sulphide ant Potassium Chlomee. 40. Ruse Detonator (11) s+ A mixture of Potassium chlorate, ‘ntamony Sulphide ani Hosoury Fulninate. Composition in topper .. Meroury Fulminate’preaeed tn capsule (13) three Increments each separated bye paper disc. Pilling tn gathé (14) .. CoB. (ALP. 1290) REcTarion (ioonontc , aiatractise ate aeveTapaent aspects) 42. This veapon and anmunition appears to be entirely of Sepancos origin and fulfils an equivaien® role An the Japanese Army as the 2-in. Mortar in the Brivish zavy. the materials used 0 the ‘manufaeture of tho anaunition are escellent and the standard of woriaanship throughout 4s good but it would seem thet nothing has Been spared in an effort te plage in the hands of the Japanese, Tntantrymen the best wospon possible. kecording to veparts this go teen well justified end the weapon has boan very effective and full use of dt’ hes deen made by the Japaness. EINCTIONING 4M pERBONENCE 42, At angi firing trials carried out it vas found that the Tonge wes 600 yarde end upwards, but vocoil of the dischansor ws ery heavy and’ it is thought unlikely that it gould. be rested on Thethins of the firer. Recoil of the grenade 12, however, small and firing from tho thigh is practicable. 43. Two shol1 were detonated statically for recovery of fragments. 1 petelle of these trisls are shown st Plates Band ¥, from which it Dotutia of thenat a cood standard of fragmentation is achioved. suai OF DATs 44. sho muzed Plugged eight of complete round l-lb. 125-028, Ielby 10-028 Length of complete round 5. 75-Ane. 4,65-ins. Diameter over bourrelet 1.96-4n9- is Disneter over body L.94-to8. a Diuneter over driving bend 1,96-ina 5 eight and nature of shell filling Sal-ons, of TNT. 5 Weignt and nature of abagro. Nac. with propellant. DePeks aa @ stabilizer Moight and natare of Giiver charge in por- 4. 75e6r8. of OP es cussion cap holder’ as./ Buse overall length ve BeBBeine Woight + Bs6-on8: Wetent of detonator fi1Ltng se Redvers. Woteht of f421ing in copper cup ++ Weight of gains Filling a CM? INSPECTORATE OF AIDUNITTION, DDI, KIN. aber Lo-ers. SKOOND TS9UE, soth aucust 1945, 194s. 1048. cote *-- FUZE, PERCUSSION TYPE ‘88 (s) _ == Foe — JAPANESE TYPE “09. SOwmH1E, SHELL WITH 20m, FUZE HOLE. © TRANSPORT POUCHES 2 © ‘SOwm. TYPE "83 GRENADE DISCHARGER SHELL & FLARES ETC. FI ahs a GRENADE DISCHARGER. = SEs, SO TYPE "89 GRENADE DISCHARGER SHELL & FLARES ETC. @ SOm. TYPE "89 GRENADE DISCHARGER. PLATE D RESTRICTED. PLATE D PLATE E feud sMeoR bork loth sate. Neal Year tre OL prok weet iy fom my re, iSoet ritstiase sre ry By Pe AMLED (GRENADE) PLATE F RESTRICTED Wr OF SHELL cruzeo) Wr OF EMPTY. SHELL win Fozs) ME-FUUNG 51075 OF TH ESE ALLE slr ALIAPANESE STATIC svt, CHARGER

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