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3. This food is sometimes served with meatballs.

A. True
B. False


A Pile of Edible String

4. What type of food is described in this paragraph?

By Colleen Messina
I look like a pile of string, but I am
edible. Many children love to eat me for
dinner. I am most often made from flour
and water. My name comes from an
Italian word that means "thin string" or
"twine." However, don't use me when I
am cooked to tie up anything! Snap! I
would break easily. Before I am cooked,
I look like a tall, straight stick. There are
different ways to eat me for dinner.
Some people like to use a fork. They
poke the fork into the pile and then twirl
me around and around! It is good that I
can't get dizzy. Many families like to cover me with luscious red
tomato sauce. Sometimes the sauce is dotted with meatballs. Can you
guess what I am?
A Pile of Edible String

1. This item's name comes from which language?
A. Italian
B. German
C. French
D. Spanish
2. If something is edible, what do you do with it?
A. clean with it
B. draw pictures with it
C. play it like a musical instrument
D. eat it

Do you like to twirl your spaghetti on your fork? Why or why not?


What is your favorite food for dinner? Do you help prepare it?

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