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This article written by Alexander popoff on july 2014.

In general this article describe how cretaceouspalegone era ended known k-p extinction was a mass extinction ever happen in this world which
extinct three quarter animal and plant species on earth. This moment occurs 65 million years ago. It
marked the end of Cretaceous era and the beginning of Mesozoic era which still continue until
There are 2 important points in this article. To begin with, the asteroid and the volcano theory which
are prevalent among scholar are not viable because they cannot explain specific among KP
boundaries and the mass extinction. Secondly, earth was hit by massive comet 66 million years ago
which killed three quarter species in this planet according to Nature article in 1989 by zhao and
Jeffrey. In addition soot or known as black carbon is one of the main component forming comet.
In my opinion, according to this article honestly I cannot tell which is true because with we just
assuming a happening occurs million years ago based on technology that we know until today.
Maybe in the future with more adv technology we can generate a better possibility how dinosaur
extinct. To recap, the extraterestial soot in K-P layer and K-P zone convincing that the termination of
dinosaur world was generate by a comet not asteroid or volcano.

There are 2 important points in this article. To begin with, the asteroid and the volcano theory which
are prevalent among scholar are not viable. Secondly, earth was hit by massive comet 66 million
years ago which killed three quarter species in this planet according In addition soot or known as
black carbon is one of the main component forming comet.

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