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<2 rrr : , t Ky hy hy Yes I Can! Peter J Correa Carlos is mature in years but young at heart. Although he needs crutches and a wheelchair to move around, he is dynamic and determined. He runs a successful HVAC contracting business, is active in community affairs, and regularly participates in charitable causes. One day my son asked what had put him in the wheelchair. “No one knows,” he said. “From the moment of birth, I was almost completely paralyzed.” “It's clearly still a major disability," said my son. “How do you manage to do so much?" “Fortunately,” said Carlos with an illuminating smile, “the paralysis never affected my heart or my head!” Some people succeed because destiny gives them the free gifts of talent and opportunity, but most people succeed because their determination provides them with the tools of concentration and perseverance. We can be whatever we resolve to be. Determine to be something in life, and we will be something, “I can’t,” never accomplished anything; “Yes I can,” has wrought wonders. When uttered in despair, the words, “I can't", have a devastating effect on the subconscious mind. Effort comes to a halt. Thinking stops. Hopes are dashed, Projects are discarded. Dreams are abandoned. The light of imagination dims. In the words of the great Shakespeare, “Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt.” Now, let someone utter the magical words, “Wes I can.” These stirring Words rally forth hopes yet unborn, Buried dreams are resurrected, Enthusiasm returns, Dusty books are reopened. The drought ends. When we resolve upon a course of action, we have by that very resolution overcome the chief obstacle to it, We will find such resolution removing difficulties, searching out or creating new paths, giving courage for despondency and fortitude for fear, and like the star to the three wise men of old, steadfastly guiding us toward our goal Life's battles are not always won by the strongest or the swiftest Sooner or later we realize that most winners haye one thing in common. They all began their quest with the words, “Ves Lea

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