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Jovanni Tinoco

The first rhetorical device the author uses is imagery. I know this
because the story is descriptive in the first paragraph.In one part of the
story it says The children still cried at night. They still asked about their
mother. On clear mornings, I took them to the cemetery, which was all that
left of the old town.(Alarcon). That quote helps me picture the cemetery
and the old town inside my head because it is descriptive.

The next reason why I think that the author uses imagery as a
rhetorical device is because it helps you picture the setting of the story. On
one part of the story on the second paragraph it says The sky was heavy
with dust after the landslide. Wed been in the cemetery burying the little
one, who was only a few days old when he died,(Alarcon). I pictured an
old cemetery and a hot temperature with kids all around when I read that

The tone of the story is like a suspicious and weird tone because the
story talks about kids crying and asking for moms. And the story also talks
about taking kids to the cemetery to bury other kids. Thats something you
never hear about now a days.

In conclusion all the quotes from the story that I used are all
examples of imagery being used a rhetorical device. I also gave examples
of the tone that is being used in the story. This all leads up to discovering
the rhetorical device and the tone of the story.

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