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FORM 2422 RE V .



Svbject : Bacteriological Examination of Rat Liver Dote : July 8, 1969

and Lung Samples . Part II .

To : Dr . Seward A . Ridlon

The lung abscess sample contained small cocci which were similar
morphologically to Arthrobacter ; however, cultural and physiological
tests indicated that this culture was most probably a budding yeast,no
an Arthrobacter .

The liver sample (Number IV, medium dosage level) was originally
reported as an Arthrobacter . However, this culture did not produce ~
urease, glucose isomerase and no growth was evident on potato agar . Thel
cells are cocci and reproduce in packets, hence these are most probabl ~y
a member of the Genus Sarcina .

Charles G . Pheil

CGP :kdd

CC : Dr . Eldon D . Nielson
Miss Margaret Long

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