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Leadership and Legacy of Robert Hooke

Diana Musco
Senior Division
Group Website

For National History Day, my group members and I chose to research Robert
Hooke. Originally I was planning to work with only my twin sister, Christina Musco, on
a different person. When we found out that we were able to work with our older sister,
Angela Musco, we switched to Robert Hooke because we were very interested in his
different discoveries and inventions that impacted life today.
My group members and I conducted our research in many different ways. We
used Noodle Tools to organize our research. On Noodle Tools, we created note cards
including many different newspaper articles, illustrations, quotes, pictures, etc. We also
created a very elaborate outline to assist us in planning out and organizing all of our
information. This made it much easier to transfer information onto our website. In
addition, we emailed ten different people asking them for interviews them, but
unfortunately, none of the people responded.
Since all of us had done a website for National History Day in the past, we chose
to create one again this year. Initially we were planning to create an exhibit. We decided
not to do this because an exhibit would not allow us to display our long primary sources
such as law, testimaials, and newspapers. Constructing a website allowed us to separate
our project into different parts and categories in order to organize it. Even though the
outline made it much easier to arrange our website, we had more than double the words
that were required. We had around two thousand six hundred words. The word limit was
the most challenging part of this project because we had to delete more than half of our
words. One thousand two hundred words is a very small amount for a website when
there was so much information to write.

Robert Hooke is a very clear example of a leader. He also left behind a legacy.
Robert Hooke was a leader in many different fields including biology because he
improved the compound microscope and discovered cells. Robert Hooke was also the
first person to observe cells under a microscope. He is also a leader in astronomy
because he was the first person to describe Jupiters red spot. Robert Hooke left behind a
legacy because his discovery of cells has lead to the curing and treating of diseases.
Without Robert Hookes discoveries and inventions, the world and the science field
would be very different today.

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