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The Leadership and Legacy

of the Little Rock Nine and

Daisy Bates

Ande Harris and Elizabeth Griffith

Senior Division

While choosing our topic for National History Day we agreed we wanted to do a local
subject that was well know. This immediately moved us to the idea of the Little Rock
Nine because of how well their story is know across the world. We did run into the
conflict of the Little Rock Nine themselves being to broad of a topic, so we narrowed it
down to the nine and the NAACP. With this there were still problems with being able to
relate back to both the themes of leadership and legacy, so we narrowed our topic even
more to The Little Rock Nine and Daisy Bates, which has proved to be a great topic.
To begin our research we immediately started to look for books at our school
library as well as one of our local public libraries. We gathered a basic knowledge of our
topic from these books then began to research more towards the theme of National
History Day. We gathered more information through websites, pictures, magazines,
documents, and encyclopedias.
After learning more about our topic and feeling confident in our material we
decided to create a website. Neither of us had ever done a website before and thought it
would be very interesting to try. We then created an outline describing how we would
layout the website and what information would go on each tab. This took some major
editing, but after coming to a decision we began to type our information into our websites
making sure to stay to the theme of National History Day. After all the information was
typed into the site we then choose which pictures we wanted to use and searched for more
documents, videos, and pictures to put onto our site. We finished by proof reading and
making minor changed to better our project.
Our project relates back to the theme of National History Day in several ways.
The Little Rock Nine were leaders in how they were some of the first students to

integrate schools setting an example for others facing racial discrimination. Daisy Bates
was the leader of the nine and was in charge of many situations involving the students
and desegregation. The Little Rock Nine left a legacy of bravery behind as the exited
Central High School and inspired many to follow in their footsteps. Daisy Bates left a
legacy of changing many peoples ideas on racism and beginning to change the school
system. All this information is further described throughout our project.
(438 words)

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