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No Place to Call Home: Rights Lost by Japanese-Americans during


Alli Reaves
Ruth Skolnick-Schur
Junior Division
Group Website
Why we chose this topic:
Last year in English, we both read a book entitled When the Emperor was Divine. This heartfelt
book was about the sorrows and suffering of a Japanese-American family. This book sparked our
interest in the internment of Japanese-Americans during WWII. At the beginning of the school
year we decided to do more research on this topic. When we found out this years theme for
NHD, we knew that this topic would be perfect.
How we conducted our research:
First, we went online and got familiar with our topic. We then consulted our history teacher and
she directed us to very helpful material. We took notes on these topics and made an outline of
what we needed to express in our research. After starting our outline, we realized we needed
more sources. We went to an English professor at a local college and thoroughly discussed our
topic with him. He gave us credible and primary sources. While one of us was reviewing these
sources, the other was looking up new information. With all these sources combined, we were
able to make a through outline of our topic.
How we created and developed our website:
First, we looked up the rules pertaining to an NHD group website. With this information we
constructed an outline that fit all the guidelines. Then we got familiar with Weebly. After
understanding this website, we took the time to decide on the layout of our website. This
consisted of; choosing complementing colors for the background, deciding the layout of the
menu titles, and picking a font that was pleasing to the eye and easy to read. Next, we put all of
our information and research onto our website. Then we took the time to organize it and add
pictures, videos, and quotes. Finally, we went through page by page checking the word count,
adding buttons, and adding final touches to our website.
How our project relates to the theme:
Our project relates to the theme in several ways. Our website focuses on the internment of
Japanese-Americans during WWII. They lost all of their rights as American citizens when they
were forced to relocate. When they were at the internment camps they gained the responsibility
of keeping their loved ones alive and connected. Our research also shows how the Japanese-
Americans fiercely fought for their rights back. They wanted the responsibility of being an
American citizen: they wanted to vote and be a part of this country.
(Word Count: 432)

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