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LMA Lectures in Nineteenth Century British Civilization: the Victorian Age

LECTURE ONE Victorian Labels for the Social, Political, Environmental Developments
LECTURE TWO Thomas Carlyles Denunciation of the Main Victorian Developments
and the Puritanical Modesty Ethos
LECTURE THREE The New Liberal Conception as the Basis for a Modern, Enlightened
Democracy and the Modern Civic Spirit in John Stuart Mills Argumentative Texts
about Bentham, Coleridge and in the Practical Philosophy Treaty On Liberty chapters
II and III
LECTURE FOUR The Old Liberal Conception on Education as Communicated to the
Moderns by John Henry Newman (The Idea of a University and The Tamworth
Reading Room) and Its New Liberal Contestation in Thomas Henry Huxleys
Science and Education and Agnosticism and Christianity.
LECTURE FIVE Oscar Wildes The Soul of Man Under Socialism contrasted to
George Bernard Shaws Major Barbara to explain the differences between the two
kinds of socialism developed in the Victorian age
LECTURE SIX Late Victorian Pessimism in Samuel Butlers Erewhon, in Thomas
Hardys Fiction and in the Horror and Science Fiction Fantasies
Zirra, Contributions of the British Nineteenth Century - the Victorian Age to the
History of Literature and Ideas. Bucharest: Editura Universitatii Bucuresti, vol 12011
Charles Dickens: Hard Times
Charlotte Bronte: Jane Eyre
Thomas Hardy : Jude the Obscure
Essay Titles
John Henry Newman: excerpts from The Tamworth Reading Room and The Idea of
a University
John Stuart Mill: On Liberty
Oscar Wilde: The Soul of Man Under Socialism

George Bernard Shaw: Major Barbara

The poems analyzed in the lectures and the seminars by Alfred Tennyson, Robert
Browning, Matthew Arnold, Algernon Charles Swinburne , Gerard

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