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We chose to have Small Bowel Obstruction as our case because its incidence
disease. This case presentation aims to identify and determine the general health
problems is significant to us in order to have a thorough understanding of the
conditions besetting the patient as entailed by Small Bowel Obstruction. This
presentation is a venue for providing an overview of the disease to student nurses
giving focus on the signs and symptoms with special consideration on its
For the Presenters:
This is significant as the presenters had the privilege to have handson in the ward.
Concepts and theories are translated in the clinical setting.

For the Audience:

The audience will be cleared on clouding doubts as they will be given
the privilege to ask relevant questions toward the end of the presentation. It shall
also be an avenue for them to provide relevant matters not mentioned by the
presenters for the purpose of enhancing this work.

For the Clinical Instructors:

This work will provide a barometer for the clinical instructors to assess
the presenters in terms of their knowledge on the Gastrointestinal System, and their
skills and attitude while dealing with their patient in the ward. Overall, it will give
them a clear impression on the performance of the student nurses during their
Related Learning Experience.

General Objective:
This case is presented in order to broaden the knowledge of the
student presenters as well as the audience on Small Bowel Obstruction and relate
the importance of effective nursing management in dealing with the manifestations
and complications of the disease.

Specific Objectives:
At the end of the presentation, both the presenters and the audience
will be able.

Define Small Bowel Obstruction, risk factors and complications.

Understand the anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal
system and its pathology
Determine the signs and symptoms of the disease
Trace and understand the pathophysiology of the disease

Know the laboratory and the diagnostic exams performed to

patients suffering from the said disease
Identify the appropriate nursing care plan in providing quality
health care to the patient
Familiarize ourselves with the drugs being used, its actions,
contraindications, adverse effects and nursing responsibilities
for each drug
To render effective and specific nursing interventions needed by
the patient having the said disease
Identify the discharge plan for the patients rehabilitation
Improve our attitude in dealing with the patient and SO such as
our therapeutic communication

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