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John Cage (1912-1992)

433 (1952): work in three movements

-could be performed on any instrument, and lasts for any amount of time.
-draws attention to the process of listening, rather than the process of music
2 Important ideas in 433:
1. Expansion of sound-field:
-1937 lecture: music is the organization of any sound (both noise and musical

(Fountain - Marcel Duchamp)

2. Indeterminacy: elements of music deliberately left to chance or choice of the

performer. (Aleatoric music alea, Latin for die or dice-game).

(Subway Drawing - William Anastasi)

Sonatas and Interludes (1946-48)

-use of prepared piano, expands the sounds of a traditional instrument

TV Kln (1958)
-Convergence of indeterminacy and expansion of sound-field

Dot = sound event

I line = make any sound on the interior of the piano
O line = make any sound on the outside of the piano
A line = make any auxiliary sound (i.e. not involving the piano)
K line = play any notes on the keyboard (the number indicates the number of notes that should
be played)
P line = do anything

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