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3rd Quarter

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Requirements & Grading Breakdown

15% - quizzes (class discussions, poems and short stories)

15% - long test (class discussions, poems and short stories)
15% - periodic exam (The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald)
10% - brochure (The Great Gatsby)
25% - a) informative speech; b) concept paper
10% - seat work
5% - recitation
5% - attendance
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

(no absences for any reason, including sleeping in class)

the informative speech

1 This type of speech uses descriptions, demonstrations, vivid detail, and definitions
to explain a subject, person, or place the audience wants to understand.
2 An informative speech makes a complex topic easy to understand or offers a
different point of view.
3 Unlike persuasive speeches, an informative speech relies less on pathos and more
on communicating information.
1. deciding on your topic
2. researching your topic
3. writing your speech
4. practicing your speech

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

1. deciding on your topic

Start by making a list of general subject areas for your informative speech to be

Consider broad subject areas for your informative speech based on things you do
and like.

Consider subject areas based on things you don't know yet, but would like to.

Narrow down your subject areas list into topics.

From your list of topics, choose one to develop into your thesis. Your thesis is
simply a specific statement expressing clearly in a single sentence what exactly
you're going to do.

Make your thesis as specific as possible.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

2. researching your topic

Do your initial research. If there's one rule to writing an informative speech it's
this: Know your subject. Do your research with care and integrity, using reliable
sources and taking notes as you go.

Consider how your research might change your topic. Once your research is
completed, you may find something new that emerges that you'd rather do your
speech on. Rather than ignore that, plan for something like this to happen.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

3. writing your speech

Consider your audience before writing your speech. It's a good idea to
assume they know little about your topic.

Outline your speech. Write a list of the information you think should be included
and put it in a logical order.

Expand your outline to make the body of the speech. Make it interesting and
informative by elaborating on your key points.

Write an introduction. Your introduction should grab the audience's attention

and let them know what direction youre headed - particularly if it's a long or
complicated speech, be sure to lay out what points you intend to cover.

Write a conclusion. The conclusion should quickly summarize the main points of
your speech.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

4. practicing your speech

Practice your speech while being timed.

Practice slowing down.

Practice your speech with your props if you have them.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Project 1: informative speech

topics list - 2%
Please submit (to the class secretary) at least three topics
with theses statements on a letter-sized bond paper on the
3rd meeting this week.

informative speech delivery - 10.5%

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

informative speech rubric


Subject Knowledge
and Coverage

Not enough
Adequate knowledge of In-depth knowledge of Full subject knowledge
information is
subject is
subject is
presented to judge
(more than required).
speakers knowledge.


Speech shows a strong

follows a logical
structure, and structure
Speech is unorganized. Speech
enhances effect of


Volume, tone, timing,

Volume, pronunciation Voice and language are Voice and language are inflection,
and language
or vocal variation needs
adequate for the
are used to enhance
delivery of the speech. skillful and effective.

Manner and


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Appearance, body
language or gestures
need improvement.

Closing is missing or

Appearance and
mannerisms are

Appearance and
Appearance and
mannerisms are
mannerisms are
presented with
presented with a
business-like conduct professional demeanor
and style.
and personal style.

Closing is clear and


Closing is creative and

Closing well organized contributes to a unified
and effective.
and cohesive


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

How to Write a Concept Paper

Funders often ask for brief 1- to 5-page concept papers (also called white papers in
the government contracting sector) prior to submission of a full proposal. This helps
them save time by eliminating ideas that are not likely to be funded. The purpose of a
concept paper, from the sponsors point of view, is to determine if the proposed
project fits with the sponsors goals and has a chance for success. The applicants
purpose in developing a concept paper is to capture the interest of the funding
agency and demonstrate that the idea she is proposing is worthy of further
Applicants may use concept papers in any of the following ways:
! to interest potential funders
! to develop potential solutions or investigations into project ideas
! to determine whether a project idea is fundable
! to serve as the foundation of a full proposal
Funders that request concept papers often provide a template or format. If templates or
formats are not provided, the following can serve as a useful concept paper structure.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Five Elements of a Concept Paper

1. The first section, the Introduction, identifies how and where the applicants mission
and the funders mission intersect or align. It addresses the reasons why the funder
should support projects in the given general area. It also introduces the applicants
partners and shows why the partners want to participate in the project.
2. Second is the Purpose or Need or Rationale, which outlines what others have
written about the general topic and focuses on the gap in knowledge to be filled, the
problem to be solved, or the need to be addressed by the applicants proposed project.
Similar to a literature review, this section allows the applicant to state the purpose or
need in such a way that the applicants project is the best possible solution to the
problem. Also, it often provides statements addressing the significance of the project
(showing why the project should be supported).
In some cases, these first two sections are merged into a Background section that both
introduces the alignment between the two organizations missions and provides the need

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Five Elements of a Concept Paper

3. Third is the Project Description, functioning as the solution to the problem, the
answer to the need, or the investigation that will fill the knowledge gap. In this section,
the applicant addresses the unique, unusual, distinctive, innovative, and/or novel aspects
of the approach, showing why the applicants team has the best solution and presenting a
compelling case for funding.
The project description includes the projects Goals and Objectives. A goal is an abstract
state of being, a condition, an end, or an aspiration while objectives are statements of
measurable outcomes that, collectively, will help the applicant measure progress toward
accomplishing the project goal(s). For example, a goal might be to improve student
academic performance via a structured professional development program for teachers,
while an objective might be to offer a specific kind of workshop or seminar on a particular
topic for a defined set of teachers in a K-12 school district.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Five Elements of a Concept Paper

The project description also includes an overview of the projects Methodology

(sometimes called Project Activities or Action Plan or Approach). The goals,
objectives, and methods (or activities) will need to align closely with each other and will
need to be accomplished within the proposed Timeline, expressed in either months or
years. The methods or activities will need to be congruent with or based on what has
been tried in the field in the past, they must be based on empirical evidence, and they
will need to be both reasonable in cost and complexity and accomplishable within the
proposed timeline.
The project description typically concludes with a statement of Benefits (or Anticipated
Outcomes) along with a description of who will benefit and how.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Five Elements of a Concept Paper

4. The fourth section, Support or Budget, contains either (1) an outline of the main
budget categories for the requested project support or (2) a single bottom-line
amount of the request and a brief discussion of how that amount will be used. Some
concept papers may not even include an amount requested.
5. The fifth and final section provides the Contact Information of the applicant
organizations chief executive or his/her designee authorized to make funding
The above is a suggested general outline for a concept paper. Ultimately, if a given
funder provides a specific template or format, the applicant must use the prescribed

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Project 2: concept paper (group work)

topics list - 1%
Please submit to the class secretary at least three concept
paper topics on a letter-sized bond paper on the 3rd meeting
this week.

concept paper - 11.5%

Project progress shall be monitored in three iterations with
3.5%, 3.5%, and 4.5% ratings, respectively. Due dates TBA.

Submit a self & peer evaluation on a 1/4 sheet of paper along

with the final project.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

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