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Second Grade Reading Street

Unit 3: Anansi Goes Fishing

Week 13
Selection Words:
1. lazy - not liking to work or be active
2. weave - form threads into cloth or web or to
make straw into hats or baskets
3. delicious something that tastes really good
4. justice - something that is fair and right
High Frequency Words:
1. believe
2. caught
3. finally
4. been
5. whatever
6. today
7. tomorrow

Spelling Words:
1. basketball
2. someone
3. weekend
4. something
5. birthday
6. riverbank

Compound words
Skill: Compare and
Strategy: Summarize

7. bathtub
8. backyard
9. driveway
10. bedtime
11. raindrop
12. mailbox

Amazing Words:
1. consume - eat or use it all up
2. prey - animal that is hunted and killed by
another animal for food
3. shrewd - very clever and smart
4. boast - brags or speaks too well of himself or
5. gloat - when you think about something youre
very satisfied with
6. snicker - giggle or laugh in a mean way
7. contentment - feeling of being pleased or
8. cure - something that makes you feel better
and healthy again
9. incident - something that happens
Grammar: Verbs for past, present, and future
Writing Trait: Conventions
Reading Genre
Anansi Goes Fishing is a folk
tale. It is a story that has been
handed down for many years.

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